Tag: Mini-Grants

ECC Foundation to Award Six Mini-Grants

November 23, 2020 | Campus News

The East Central College Foundation is awarding six mini-grants this year totaling $8,380 to departments and programs at the college.

The grants are funded annually through the Albert C. Buescher Memorial Fund.

Foundation Director Bridgette Kelch said the grants are given out to help support various scholastic departments and programs.

Since 2009, the ECC Foundation Board has awarded nearly $100,000 to college departments and programs through its mini-grants initiative.

This year, grants will fund The Learning Center’s Biggest Winner, new signage for the Nursing & Allied Health program, a new “Energy Barbecue Grill” for the Business and Industry Center, a new mascot costume for the Communications and Marketing Department, a timpani for the Music Department and additional signs for Arts and Sciences programs.

According to Lisa Haag, TLC English specialist, The Biggest Winner contest is meant to provide a financial incentive for students to prioritize academic success.

“For many students, academic performance suffers due to economic necessity,” she said. “Many students struggle to complete assignments, attend class, and seek help due to being over-extended with work.”

Each semester for the next three years, students taking more than six credit hours will be invited to take part in the contest. The students who increase their test scores by the greatest margin will earn cash prizes of $250, first place; $125, second place; and $75, third place.

A cross-curriculum project will be funded by a Foundation mini grant that will benefit students in the HVAC, Welding, Industrial Engineering Technology, Precision Machinery and Culinary Arts programs.

The New Energy BBQ Grill will be built by the students and powered by solar energy. The grill will have two refrigeration units and a storage compartment. The grill will feature two television screens that will show video of how the grill was made.

The grill will be used in public as an educational and promotional tool for the Business and Industry Center programs.

The ECC Music Department will receive funds for a new 26-inch Yamaha copper timpani (kettledrum) to be used for instruction and performances.

“The ability to practice and perform modern percussion literature is crucial if students are to perform at the junior level when they transfer to a four-year university,” said Aaron Bounds, director of bands.

The Foundation awarded the Arts and Sciences Division at ECC funds for new signage, including floor banners, tabletop banners and tablecloths to promote the five pathways in Arts and Sciences.

The Nursing and Allied Health program also will receive funds for signage, including banners and tablecloths, which will be used to promote and highlight the program and its offerings.

A Foundation mini grant will also fund a new Franklin the Falcon mascot costume to be used for internal and community events to promote the college and Foundation.

In addition to the $8,380 funded by the Foundation, the College funded $7,007 for other projects. These projects include:

  • Student Food Pantry’s new refrigerator and freezer;
  • Biology Department’s BioHuman Anatomy Software;
  • The Learning Center’s new headsets;
  • Assessment Showcase Event;
  • Center for Workforce Development’s new testing equipment; and
  • Communications and Marketing’s new directional signage.

To learn more about the ECC Foundation, visit www.eastcentral.edu/foundation/.

Foundation Awards 2018 Mini-Grants

November 20, 2018 | Campus News

The East Central College Foundation awards mini-grants each year to scholastic departments and programs through The Albert C. Buescher Memorial Fund. In 2018, four awards were given to help support various initiatives.

The Math Department was awarded a mini-grant to purchase new TI-84+ graphing calculators for students to use in class.

Student Services will use its mini-grant to pilot a text messaging system for student communication.

“Research has shown that students do not respond well to phone calls, letters, or emails. They respond best to text messages,” said Stephanie Hebert, Enrollment Management Systems Manager.

If the six-month pilot program goes well, the system could be permanent at the college.

“This project will assist our students by providing them with just-in-time information regarding enrollment, tuition, and financial aid as well as advance the college by increasing enrollment and decreasing bad debt,” Hebert explained.

Phi Theta Kappa will use its mini-grant to help fund a trip to Montgomery, Alabama to see the National Memorial for Peace and Justice.

The Institutional Research Department was awarded a mini-grant in order to provide training for its staff for Microsoft Power BI, a data presentation tool.

“Our hope is this tool will assist our department in presenting data in a simplified and easy-to-understand way,” said Bethany Lohden, Director of Institutional Research. “In turn, it will encourage employees to use the institution’s data when making decisions.”

Over the past ten years, the ECC Foundation has awarded more than $90,000 to various college departments and groups.

East Central College Foundation Awards Mini-Grants

December 19, 2017 | Campus News Inspiring Excellence

Each year, the East Central College Foundation awards mini-grants to scholastic departments and programs through The Albert C. Buescher Memorial. In 2017, seven awards were given to help support various initiatives.

The Learning Center was awarded a mini-grant to implement online math and science tutoring through the purchase of Boogie Board Sync.

“This e-writer can be linked to a computer and a whiteboard app,” said Learning Center Specialist Alison Tucker. “Tutors will be able to communicate more effectively with students.”

The Learning Center was also awarded a mini-grant to purchase anatomical models for students and tutors to use.

The Financial Aid Department was awarded a mini-grant in order to purchase a printer and supplies for the new Veterans Lounge in the Donald Shook Student Center.

“The veteran students are very appreciative of the printer,” said Financial Aid Advisor Lorrie Baird. “They sometimes have long stretches between classes and the lounge is a quiet place for them to retreat and do their homework.  It is inconvenient for some of the students to complete an assignment and then go over to the Learning Center or Library to print out the work.”

The Theatre Program was awarded a mini-grant for much needed video equipment, lighting, microphones and other items as learning tools for students.

“We recently used the equipment to film I Love New York” (photo), said Theatre Director Grace Austin. “It’s been very helpful for them to be able to view their work on stage.”

A mini-grant is being used to help support the East Central College Career and Transfer Fair in the spring semester.

The Civic Engagement Committee was awarded a mini-grant to host a month of service event for students, staff and faculty.

“Our goal is to provide students, faculty and staff opportunities for personal growth,” explained Communications Instructor Shanee Haynes. “We want to give them a sense of social responsibility.”

The English Department will use its mini-grant to create a writing contest for area high school students.

“The project started as a way to get local schools involved with the college and a way to get them excited for writing,” said ECC English Instructor Josh Stroup. “We are very thankful to the Foundation for helping get this idea off the ground and to help connect us and our programs to the community.”