Missouri S&T Partnerships

East Central College and Missouri S&T are proud of their long-term partnership to provide educational and career opportunities to our communities.

ECC and S&T have two programs designed to assist students in completing their Bachelor’s degree.

Roadmap to Success

There is an academic pathway at East Central College that fits with Missouri S&T. The Roadmap to Success pathways are designed for students to complete a degree with ECC and easily transfer to Missouri S&T. There are several pathways to choose:

Social Sciences
More Information on the Roadmap to Success  

Campus Connections

Experience East Central College and Missouri S&T—at the same time!

Campus Connections is a dual enrollment program where students are accepted at both institutions simultaneously and have the advantages, services and perks of both!

ECC and MS&T Students
We're excited to see you on our campuses!
ECC is rated
Number one community college in Missouri
Community College
in Missouri*
*WalletHub, 2020
S&T is rated
Number one best value college in Missouri
Best Value College in
Missouri for ROI+
+Payscale.com, 2020
Number four top nursing program in the Midwest
Top Nursing Program
in the Midwest**
**Nursing Schools Almanac, 2020
Number one public engineering college in the U.S.
Public Engineering
College in the U.S.++
++College Factual, 2021