2.13 Review of Instructional Programs

(Adopted 6-4-1979; Revised 5-6-2002, 6-14-2021)

The Chief Academic Officer (CAO) will submit to the College President an annual status report making recommendations with respect to the College’s instructional programs. Recommendations to enhance, continue, reduce, restructure, or discontinue any program(s) may be based on the results of comprehensive review, program consolidation/reorganization, Board staffing decisions, or declared financial exigency.

Procedures:  (Revised 5-12-2008, 6-14-2021, 4-11-2024)

2.13.1  Prior to the development of an annual staffing plan, the CAO, assisted by faculty in related disciplines and academic deans, will analyze selected instructional programs with questions similar to the following:

  1. What are the employment or transfer opportunities for students enrolled in that area, both immediate and short-range?
  2. What is the size of the yearly reservoir of potential students in that area?
  3. Is the instructional area necessary to support other instructional areas within the College and/or the College mission?
  4. Are there value-added benefits to the student’s career and/or transfer opportunities and potential income by completing the program of study?
  5. What changes in technology have or will likely affect the instructional area?

2.13.2  Upon completion of the analysis, the CAO will consult with the program advisory board, if applicable, to develop a status report on the instructional program, including any recommendations for action, that will be submitted to the President of the College.

2.13.3  Upon review of the CAO’s report, the College President will, in concert with the administrative leadership of the College, make an administrative decision regarding the College’s instructional programs.

2.13.4  The President will make recommendations to the Board of Trustees as appropriate.

2.13.5  In cases of retrenchment, affected faculty and staff may submit a written appeal of such decisions to the Board of Trustees.  The decision of the Board will be final.

2.13.6  If the Board accepts retrenchment recommendation(s), the Board will follow procedures as outlined in Full-time Faculty Non-reappointment procedures.