New School Year Brings Changes to AEL Program
The East Central College Adult Education and Literacy Program assisted nearly 400 students last year, and they expect that number to grow for the 2017-2018 school year.
“Our services are very much needed in the East Central College service area,” said AEL Director Alice Whalen. “Franklin County has nearly 13,500 adults who do not have a high school education. Gasconade is close to 2,500, Phelps hovers around 5,600 and Warren has nearly 5,200 people without a high school diploma or High School Equivalency (HSE) Certificate.”
To help better serve students, a few changes are coming to AEL classes starting this fall. One of those changes is the addition of English language evening classes at the Union and Rolla locations. All students are required to take an orientation class before enrolling in the AEL program. Find a class near you!
Additionally, there are a few location changes for the new year. English language classes in Washington were moved to the East Central College campus in Union. Sullivan AEL classes were moved to The Ridge Church of Sullivan Annex, 80 Wildwood Terrace. The Gerald class site was closed due to low enrollment, but the Owensville and Hermann locations still offer evening classes for residents in Gasconade County. Sullivan will offer evening classes in addition to day classes.
All classes are provided at no cost with books and materials provided for students while in class. Instruction is individualized to meet a person’s needs with instructors who will work with students to reach their goals.
“We are also excited to offer job-training classes in the near future,” said Whalen. “While the process is still ongoing, students will soon be able to get certifications in Microsoft Office programs. AEL is also working with the ECC Center for Workforce Development to add programs for Certified Nursing Assistants, welding and Certified Logistics Associates and Technicians.”
For more information about the AEL program, visit eastcentral.edu/ael or call 636-584-6533 or 844-322-4235.