Children Can Experience Pioneer Life at July 22 Camp

June 30, 2015 | Campus News

Children age eight to 15 can experience what life was like in the 1800s at Pioneer Life Camp later this month.

The East Central College Community Education Office is partnering with Luxenhaus Farm north of  Marthasville to offer this unique opportunity.  Camp will be held Wednesday, July 22 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the farm (site of the annual Deutsch Country Days) located at 18055 State Hwy O.

Campers will spend the day learning about home building, farm tasks, rope and candle making and other skills that the pioneers had to possess to function. Campers should bring along a sack lunch and bottle of water.

The cost is $25 per child.  Adults are encouraged to accompany children for an additional $5 fee.  Children who will not be accompanied by an adult will need to be dropped off and picked up at the farm.

To register call 636-584-6528 or email: