East Central College Kicks Off 50th Anniversary in April!

March 16, 2018 | Campus News

East Central College is excited to begin its 50th Anniversary celebration in 2018!

On April 2, 1968, voters approved the establishment of the Junior College District of East Central Missouri. To help mark the occasion, we are holding several events the week of April 2 – 5.

Check out the 50th Anniversary Event Calendar!

As we celebrate the 50th Anniversary, we hope to share memories from the thousands of alumni who have made East Central College such a special place over the years. We are asking the community to share their memories, upload photos and tell us how East Central College changed their lives. We will upload these stories to the website and on social media using #ECC50.

Check out the Share Your Memories page!

Philanthropy and giving back to the community is also a big part of the 50th Anniversary celebration. The 50 Acts of Kindness campaign will help provide students, faculty, staff and alumni the opportunity to become active members of their community and have a lasting, positive impact on society at large.

We are just getting started! Please be sure to visit the 50th Anniversary page often for updates!

East Central College is proud to continue our mission as a dynamic entity within the local region, offering excellent educational opportunities and program partnerships between the College, other educational organizations and local business and industry.