ECC Recognizes Employees for Years of Service

September 23, 2022 | Campus News ECC Rolla

Each year, East Central College recognizes the hard work and commitment of its employees during the Annual Service Awards Recognition banquet.

The banquet, held Sept. 22, is an opportunity to show that the college values the employee’s dedication to students’ needs and educational goals, and to the community ECC serves.

The service award banquet also is an opportunity for administrators ­to individually recognize each employee and the work that they do for the college and students.

This year’s banquet honored those who have been with ECC for 5, 10, 15, 25 and 30 years.

The ECC Culinary Department provided dinner and service for award winners and their guests under the direction of Chef Joe Hovland and Chef Gail Witt.

Service Award Winners

30 Years

30 Years — Kevin Dixon

25 Years

25 Years — Jennifer Willis (Not pictured is Cynthia Cubas)

20 Years

20 Years — Jennifer Judd, Wendy Pecka and Bethany Lohden

15 Years

15 Years — Dennis Pohlman, Curtis Elliott, DeAnne Fiedler, Charles Warmack and Josh Stroup
(Not pictured are Megan Elbert, Becki Heimann and Paul Lampe)

10 Years

10 Years — Carol Bailie, Tom Schickler, Eric Clapper and Denise Walker
(Not pictured are Ehren Curnutte, Lisa Haag, Cole Halfaker, Nanette Sayles and Dave Steffens)

  5 years5 years

5 years — (First photo) Connie Wissbaum, Melissa Willmore, Tot Pratt, Hannah Masek, Melissa Richards and (second photo) Chef Joe Hovland, pictured with ECC President Dr. Jon Bauer.

(Not pictured are John Ghirardi and Audrey Schlote)