Fontbonne University and ECC Sign Articulation Agreement
Fontbonne University and East Central College recently signed an articulation agreement to create pathways to baccalaureate degrees in business, computer information systems, cybersecurity, social work, literary studies, communications and strategic communications at Fontbonne.
Fontbonne President J. Michael Pressimone and ECC President Jon Bauer signed the agreement following many meetings between faculty and staff at both schools.
“Agreements such as this improve educational access and attainment for students in our area,” said Pressimone. “We are pleased to be collaborating with East Central to achieve these important objectives.”
“This articulation agreement is a fantastic example of how institutions can work together for the benefit of our students, who then go forward and use their advanced education and training to further develop our workforce,” said Jean McCann, vice president of instruction at ECC. “Students from ECC’s district and service region will have the opportunity to pursue a wide variety of 2+2 transfer programs as well as access to scholarship opportunities at Fontbonne. A bachelor’s degree from Fontbonne can be attained at a greatly reduced cost when students complete their first two years at ECC.”
Staff at both institutions will work on promotional materials, transfer guides and other information useful to students as they explore transfer options. “We are excited about the level of collaboration that will continue as the degree pathways are explored and expanded,” stated McCann. Faculty at both institutions have met and are committed to an ongoing dialogue to provide the best transfer experience possible for ECC students.