National Apprenticeship Week Celebration!
East Central College invites the public and business community to celebrate National Apprenticeship Week on Friday, November 16 from 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at its Business and Industry Center, 42 Prairie Dell Plaza Drive in Union.
“Apprenticeships can work for all industries, not just manufacturing,” said Joel Doepker, Vice President of External Relations. “By utilizing a registered apprenticeship program, employers are able to recruit, train and retain world-class talent.”
The event will feature keynote speakers from the U.S. Department of Labor Office of Apprenticeships, Missouri Department of Workforce Development and East Central College Center for Workforce Development. There will also be a chance for attendees to hear from a panel of local businesses who are currently participating in an apprenticeship program as well as their employees.
“There is currently a funding opportunity for apprenticeships,” said Doepker. “East Central College can help area businesses create successful credit or non-credit programs on any scale and for any industry.”
Significant talent shortages and skills gaps can limit the ability of a business to expand, innovate and excel. Apprenticeships can help close that gap.
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, more than 150,000 employers and labor management organizations benefit from apprenticeships every year. Workers who complete apprenticeship programs earn $300,000 more over a career than their peers who don’t.
Tours of the East Central College Business and Industry Center will also be available during the event. Refreshments and a light breakfast will be provided.
If you are interested in attending the National Apprenticeship Week Celebration, please RSVP here!