NISOD Excellence Awards Presented to ECC Employees

June 23, 2022 | Campus News

Three East Central College employees recently were recognized for their dedication to students, the college and their coworkers with 2021 NISOD (National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development) Excellence Awards.

The ECC award recipients are Erin Anglin, executive director of The Learning Center; Bobby Bland, welding instructor and program coordinator; and Bethany Herron, student services specialist.

NISOD is a professional development provider that offers programs and resources for community and technical colleges. Member colleges can recognize employees through the Excellence Awards, which are presented to faculty and staff who are doing extraordinary work on their campuses.

Award recipients receive a unique silver medallion engraved with The University of Texas and NISOD insignias and adorned with a burnt orange ribbon. NISOD is based out of the University of Texas in Austin.

Erin Anglin

Erin Anglin, executive director of The Learning Center, was nominated for the NISOD Excellence Award by Megen Strubberg, director of early college and admissions.

“Erin embodies ECC’s core values of Collaboration, Integrity, Empowerment, and Learning on a regular basis,” Strubberg wrote in the nomination. “Despite her calm exterior, Erin is enthusiastic, thoughtful, and frank when it comes to finding new and improved ways to recruit and retain students.”

Strubberg added that Anglin takes a student-centered approach, which is beneficial due to her “front-row seat” to the journey of many ECC students.

“The beginning of the pandemic, she pulled her staff together to offer tutoring and testing services in expanded ways,” Strubberg said, adding that Anglin is working with ECC’s Early College and Admissions team to enhance retention efforts, from the beginning of the student life cycle.

“Under Erin’s leadership, The Learning Center has completely transformed from a somewhat lower-key spot for academic tutoring to a dynamic, welcoming place for students to know they are encouraged and valued,” she said.

Bobby Bland

Welding Program Coordinator Bobby Bland was nominated by Dr. Richard Hudanick, dean of career and technical education for “extraordinary work” he exhibits daily.

“Over and above his duties as a faculty member and a coordinator for East Central’s Welding program, Bobby continuously is setting the bar higher and higher for standards in classroom instruction and industry partnership relations,” Hudanick commented.

“On any given day, Bobby can be found critiquing the quality of weld-joints performed by his students to talking with industry partners to coordinate interviews for future graduates.”

Hudanick added that Bland volunteers for efforts in his ECC campus community outside the welding lab. That includes working with the theater department with welds for a prop or supporting ECC’s baseball team by assisting with a welding project near the baseball field.

“Bobby is truly a humble man who is always willing to put others first,” Hudanick said. “His endless energy level drives a sense of team spirit with his co-workers — Bobby is a great example of an individual who dignifies the NISOD Excellence Award.”

Bethany Herron

Herron was nominated for the NISOD Excellence Award by Stephanie Hebert, enrollment services business analyst.

“Bethany has worked tirelessly to support the Student Development Division for eight years,” Hebert said. “She is always willing to step up and do whatever she is asked.”

That has been especially true, Hebert added, during the past two years as Herron’s department has adjusted to working with students and staff in the virtual environment. During that time, Herron has trained multiple new employees who have been hired as a Student Service Specialists.

“She does it all with a smile and a can-do attitude,” Hebert said. “Bethany makes it a point to learn student’s names and will often follow up with students to make sure they are completing all of the steps required for admission, registration, financial and graduation — Bethany is a joy to work with and I am thankful to know her and learn from her.”