Students Should Use Learning Center Online Services
Students who are looking to use the East Central College Learning Center are encouraged to utilize online services.
The doors of the center will remain open, but by appointment only.
Erin Anglin, Learning Center executive director, said staff has been working diligently to transition services to an online capacity.
“While our doors will remain open for tutoring, we strongly encourage students to utilize our online services as much as possible,” she said.
According to Anglin, the center will maintain normal business hours of 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays, and from 7:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Fridays.
“We are limiting our on-ground services to appointment only, no walk-ins,” Anglin said. “We are asking students to make appointments for both on-ground and online appointments.“Scheduling appointments will help in complying with social distancing parameters and controlling traffic flow in our area.”
Anglin said tutors may be contacted in several ways for online assistance, including chat, Zoom or Teams, through the Online Writing Center or via NetTutor after hours or on weekends. NetTutor is available free of charge for ECC students.
“We have a variety of online resources available for our students via our webpage, plus we will be publishing a special edition New Leaf to help faculty and students during this time of social isolation and digital transition,” Anglin commented.
Visit the webpage at www.eastcentral.edu/learning-center/. To chat, students can click on the “Chat With a Writing Tutor” or “Chat With a Math Tutor” links.
Students who want tutoring should directly email the tutor with whom they wish to work to schedule their appointment.