5.4 Classification and Qualifications of Employees
(Approved 8-14-1989; Revised 11-3-2003, 12-2-2013)
A system of employee classification will be maintained by the College administration for the purposes of offering and continuing employment, organization, assignment of duties and responsibilities, and establishment of compensation.
Procedures (Revised 8-2005)
5.4.1 Definitions
Exempt: Employees not covered by the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Exempt employees are subject to Public School Retirement System (PSRS)/Public Educational Employees Retirement System (PEERS) guidelines.
Non-exempt: Employees covered by the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and as such are entitled to overtime pay for hours worked in excess of 40 hours per week. Non-exempt employees are subject to Public School Retirement System (PSRS)/Public Educational Employees Retirement System (PEERS) guidelines.
Grant-Funded: Employees in a part-time or full-time position that is dependent on continued grant funding. Grant-funded employees may be either exempt or non-exempt employees.
Retiree: An employee receiving retirement benefits from PSRS/PEERS and subject to the PSRS/PEERS retirement requirements. Part-time retirees are limited to 550 hours per fiscal year.
5.4.2 Faculty (Revised 12-2-2013; 12-12-2019; 6-13-2022)
Both full-time and adjunct faculty are exempt personnel who shall be primarily engaged in the activity of teaching and guiding students. They shall be in contact with students for the purpose of transmitting knowledge and skills. Faculty members shall meet the minimum employment qualifications established by the Board of Trustees and/or the College’s accrediting agencies.
Faculty participate substantially in:
- Oversight of the curriculum – its development and implementation, academic substance, currency, and relevance for internal and external constituencies.
- Assurance of consistency in the level and quality of instruction and in the expectations of student performance.
- Establishment of the academic qualifications for instructional personnel.
- Analysis of data and appropriate action on assessment of student learning and program completion.
Faculty Credentialing and Assignment
Each full-time and adjunct teaching faculty member (including dual credit faculty) shall be assigned a primary discipline or career field by action of the Board of Trustees upon recommendation by the President of the College. More than one primary discipline or career field may be assigned if required qualifications are met. To be assigned to a primary discipline(s) or primary career field(s), the full-time or adjunct teaching faculty member must possess an academic degree relevant to what they are teaching and at least one level above the level at which they teach, except when equivalent experience is established. When faculty members are employed based on equivalent experience, the institution defines a minimum threshold of experience and an evaluation process that is used in the appointment process. The credentialing process is managed through the Office of Academic Affairs and academic committee work.
Qualification standards set by the Higher Learning Commission, as well as East Central College, serve as guides when reviewing and approving teaching credentials for full-time and adjunct faculty members.
Provisional approval may be granted for full-time and adjunct faculty who do not meet the qualifications. Once granted, provisional approval will apply for up to two (2) years. An emergency credential may be granted in extenuating circumstances for up to one (1) year.
5.4.3 Administrators
Administrators are exempt personnel at the vice president level and above. Administrators shall meet employment qualifications established by the Board of Trustees.
5.4.4 Professional Staff (Revised 6-13-2022)
Professional staff includes exempt personnel at the dean/director level and below. Professional staff shall meet employment qualifications established by the Board of Trustees.
5.4.5 Support Staff (Revised 6-13-2022)
Support staff includes non-exempt, at-will personnel who are necessary to the day-to-day functions of the College. Support staff shall meet the employment qualifications established by the College President.
5.4.6 Regular Full-time Employee (Revised 12-2-2013; 7-19-2018; 6-13-2022)
Regular full-time administrator, professional, and support staff positions are listed on the Board of Trustees approved staffing plan and require a minimum workload of 40 hours per week to qualify for College-paid benefits unless otherwise required by law.
Full-time faculty members shall work 170 to 180 days during the regular academic year, shall have a normal instructional load of 30 credit hours per year or the equivalent, and/or shall have additional duties as specified in their contracts. Full-time faculty positions are included on the Board-approved staffing plan. A full-time faculty workload typically includes seven (7) office hours per week in a five (5)-day work week. The academic year shall consist of the fall and spring semesters excluding the summer and winter sessions, based on the program-driven schedule or as otherwise approved, including all in-service days and the graduation ceremony, as established in the approved academic calendar.
5.4.7 Regular Part-time Employee (Revised 12-2-2013, 6-13-2022)
Regular part-time positions are paid hourly and listed on the Board of Trustees approved staffing plan. Personnel in such positions may not work more than 19.75 hours per week unless approved by administration and Human Resources.
5.4.8 Adjunct Faculty (Adopted 12-2-2013; Revised 6-13-2022)
Adjunct faculty are part-time, exempt employees paid per credit hour. Adjunct faculty are not included on the staffing plan. Adjunct faculty may work a maximum of 18 credit hours per fiscal year. Hours worked must comply with retirement regulations. Exceptions may be made with the permission of the Chief Academic Officer.
5.4.9 Dual Credit Instructor (Adopted 6-13-2022)
Dual credit instructors are part-time, exempt employees paid per credit hour, which is prorated based on enrollment. Dual credit faculty are credentialed through the same process as all other faculty, work at partner high schools, and are excluded from the staffing plan. Hours worked must comply with retirement regulations.
5.4.10 Adult Education and Literacy Instructor (Adopted 12-2-2013; Revised 6-13-2022)
Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) instructors are part-time, non-exempt employees who can work up to 17 hours per week. AEL instructors are required to have Department of Elementary and Secondary Education certification. These positions are grant-funded.
5.4.11 Student Worker (Adopted 12-2-2013; Revised 6-13-2022)
A student worker is an individual enrolled in ECC classes, who qualifies for the Federal Work Study Program or is institutionally funded, and whose association with the College is for the primary purpose of furthering a formal education. Student workers are part-time, non-exempt employees who can work up to 19.75 hours per week or as approved by Financial Aid. Student workers are not included on the Board of Trustees approved staffing plan.
5.4.12 Temporary Employee (Adopted 12-2-2013)
A temporary employee is hired either part-time or full-time for a specified period of time per fiscal year. Temporary employees are not listed on the staffing plan (see Policy 5.5)
5.4.13 Employees Paid Solely Through Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) (Adopted 6-13-2022)
An employee hired either part-time or full-time for a specified period of time during a fiscal year. Pay may be established as an hourly rate or salary and is paid through payroll. The position is not listed on the staffing plan (see Policy 5.5).