5.33 College Holidays
(Approved 12-18-1989; Revised 8-7-2000; Reaffirmed 11-4-2013)
The College will establish a holiday schedule that combines fixed and floating holidays allowing for normal calendar variations and the academic calendar.
Procedures (Revised 4-6-2006, 11-4-2013; 8-27-2018)
5.33.1 Holiday Schedule
The College will be closed on the following holidays. The holiday schedule will be developed in consideration of the academic calendar and must be approved by the College President.
- New Year’s Day
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- Spring holiday (assigned to Good Friday)
- Spring Break
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Fall Break
- Day before Thanksgiving
- Thanksgiving Day
- Day after Thanksgiving
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas Day
- The weekdays which fall between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day
- One floating holiday designated by the College President
5.33.2 Employee’s Eligibility for Holiday Pay (Revised 6-13-2022)
Regular full-time employees are eligible for holiday pay. Temporary employees, part-time employees, and employees on unpaid leave are not eligible for holiday pay.
To qualify for holiday pay, an employee must work all scheduled work hours on the last scheduled workday prior to the holiday and on the first scheduled workday immediately following the holiday or, in lieu of working all such hours, be approved for vacation, personal leave, sick leave, jury duty, bereavement, or paid military leave. Employees who do not meet these requirements will not be eligible for holiday pay and will be required to use vacation or personal leave for the holiday if absent immediately prior to or following the holiday without approval. A doctor’s certification may be required if sick leave is utilized.
5.33.3 Holidays Not Observed by College
The College recognizes that some employees may wish to observe periods of worship or to commemorate certain days that are not included in the College’s holiday schedule. Requests for time off for religious observances will be considered on a case-by-case basis. To provide this accommodation, requests for time off to observe a religious holiday should be submitted in the same manner as a request for vacation. If accrued vacation or personal leave is available, the employee will use that paid time off for the observance of such holidays; otherwise, time off is without pay. This Policy applies only to religious holidays. It does not apply to regular weekly days of worship. If an employee’s regular work schedule falls on their worship days, generally they will be required to work as scheduled.
5.33.4 Holiday Scheduled Work (Revised 6-13-2022)
In most cases, employees will not be scheduled to work on College holidays. The College reserves the right to schedule employees to work on a College-designated holiday.
A non-exempt employee who is required to work on a holiday shall be paid holiday pay plus additional compensation at the employee’s regular rate of pay for any hours actually worked on the holiday.
An exempt employee who is required to work on a College-designated holiday may be granted, with the supervisor’s approval, another specified workday off with pay in lieu of the College-designated holiday.
An employee absent from work due to an on-the-job injury or illness will receive the appropriate worker compensation payment in effect, if any, in lieu of holiday pay.
5.33.5 Holiday Falling on Weekend
When a College-designated holiday falls on a Saturday, the holiday will be observed on the preceding Friday. When a College-designated holiday falls on a Sunday, the holiday will be observed on the following Monday or as determined appropriate by the College President.