5.27 Administrative, Professional, and Support Staff Flexible Work
(Adopted 7-13-2023)
Employees shall be provided the opportunity to utilize flexible work arrangements to meet the needs of both the employee and the College. Flexible work arrangements are based on the specific needs of the department and the ability of the individual employee to work effectively in a flexible work arrangement. Employee-requested flexible arrangements are a privilege, not an expectation of employment, and are not appropriate for all positions or times of year. Employees with flexible work arrangements remain subject to applicable College policies and procedures and federal and state laws.
Procedures (Adopted 7-13-2023)
5.27.1 Definitions
Continuity of Operations – Completing all regular duties as assigned for a designated role within the department/division with minimal negative impact on business operations or student needs.
Work Week – A typical staff work week consists of 40 hours spread over five days, normally 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Some departments will observe a different schedule to better meet student needs.
Flexible Work – Working on a schedule that varies from the standard operating hours of the department/division (i.e., four ten-hour days) or working from a location other than the College campus on an approved basis.
Situational Remote Work – Working from a location other than the College campus due to unexpected needs. Situational Remote Work can be short-term (1-3 business days) or long-term (more than 3 business days, but not permanent). Situational Remote Work is intended to facilitate continuity of operations for the College and work-life balance for the employee by allowing the employee to work from a remote location due to temporary needs or circumstances.
5.27.2 Departmental Assessment
Supervisors will complete a Department Assessment Form to evaluate on-campus staffing needs during core hours, determine service level expectations, and identify departmental peak periods. The form will be reviewed and approved by the appropriate administrator prior to being submitted to Human Resources.
- The Department Assessment Form should be completed annually.
- ECC working hours are 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday- Friday. Certain service areas have adjusted hours; therefore, each department will evaluate the appropriate in-person staffing level for their area including the number of on-campus versus remote employees needed during core hours.
- Establish peak periods for each department. “Peak periods” refers to times during the week, month, semester, or year when business activity or work volume is high, and the department must be staffed on site. During peak periods, employees who are otherwise remote may be required to work on campus.
5.27.3 Flexible Work
- Requirements for Working from an Off-Campus Location
To be considered for remote work, employees must meet the following requirements:- Have a reliable internet connection or access to a College-issued hot spot sufficient to support video conferencing and access to needed platforms to complete job responsibilities. The College will not reimburse costs for home internet service or other technology purchased by the employee.
- Have a mobile phone or landline to forward/answer calls.
- Keep their electronic calendar/availability status updated by posting regular work hours, using statuses such as “working elsewhere” and “out of office” to clarify available times, and ensuring meetings, scheduled work tasks, etc. are posted on the calendar.
- Include days that are remote work and days that are “in office” in the email signature.
- Be responsive to communication via email, Microsoft Teams, and phone as well as respond to all communication in a timely manner.
- Maintain a secure workspace, including maintaining the confidentiality of documents and conversations.
- Provide an appropriate electronic device or have access to a College-issued device that will ensure effective completion of the job.
- Be available to work from campus in specific circumstances as delineated on the position classification form (including when department is short-staffed).
- Have the appropriate work ethic and sense of responsibility to work unsupervised for extended periods.
- Not be on a Performance Improvement Plan.
- Requirements for Adjusting the Work Schedule
To be considered for an adjusted work schedule, employees must meet the following requirements:- Have job duties that would not impact service to students or other employees if the employee was not on campus during “standard” business hours.
- Have the appropriate work ethic and sense of responsibility to work unsupervised.
- Not be on a Performance Improvement Plan.
- Approval Process
- Supervisors will complete a Position Classification Form for each position within the department based on job descriptions, classifying them as eligible for flexible work or situational remote work or ineligible for flexible work/situational remote work. The form will be reviewed and approved by the appropriate administrator prior to being submitted to Human Resources
- The position classification process evaluates the position not the However, the decision to approve flexible work will be based on the job performance and qualifications of each individual employee who holds an eligible position.
- A position being classified as eligible does not guarantee that any specific flexible work plan or specific employee will be approved for flexible
- The Position Classification Form will be reviewed annually during the employee’s evaluation.
- The supervisor will assess the essential functions of the position and determine which functions can be performed
- The supervisor will determine if an alternative schedule for this position could support the department’s core hour staffing
- The supervisor will assess any technical or security concerns associated with flexible work in this
- The employee will complete a Flexible Work Request form and submit it to their supervisor.
- The employee will assess the essential functions of their position to determine which can be completed remotely.
- For alternative work schedules, the employee will discuss the hours and times when they will be on campus to meet core staffing needs.
- The employee will evaluate any technical or security concerns associated with their flexible work request.
- The employee will provide a detailed summary of the proposed flexible work plan, including how the work plan supports continuity of operations and service level expectations.
- The supervisor will review the Flexible Work Request form and correlate the request with the position classification and department assessment forms.
- The supervisor will evaluate the request, discuss reasons for modifications (if any) with the employee, and make a recommendation to the appropriate administrator.
- If approved, the approval section of the Flexible Work Request will be completed and documented.
- While the Flexible Work Plan can be reviewed at any time, at minimum an annual review will be conducted during the employee’s evaluation.
- Supervisors will complete a Position Classification Form for each position within the department based on job descriptions, classifying them as eligible for flexible work or situational remote work or ineligible for flexible work/situational remote work. The form will be reviewed and approved by the appropriate administrator prior to being submitted to Human Resources
5.27.4 Situational Remote Work
- Requirements
To be considered for situational remote work, employees must meet the following requirements:- Have a reliable internet connection sufficient to support video conferencing and access to needed platforms to complete job responsibilities. The College will not reimburse costs for home internet service or other technology purchased by the employee.
- Have a mobile phone or landline to forward/answer calls
- Keep their electronic calendar/availability status updated by posting regular work hours, using statuses such as “working elsewhere” and “out of office” to clarify available times, and ensuring meetings, scheduled work tasks, etc. are posted on the calendar
- Be responsive to communication via email, Microsoft Teams, and phone as well as respond to all communication in a timely manner
- Maintain a secure workspace, including maintaining the confidentiality of documents and conversations
- Have the appropriate work ethic and sense of responsibility to work unsupervised for extended periods
- Not be on a Performance Improvement Plan
- Approval Process
- Requests should be submitted as early as possible.
- Approved requests should be consistent with the College and department mission and not compromise the services provided to any stakeholder.
- Employees and supervisors should ensure that students or colleagues are not adversely affected by situational work arrangements.
- The supervisor will have the discretion to approve the leave or require the employee to utilize personal leave, medical leave, or vacation time if it appears the employee will not be available to maintain continuity of operations.
- Short-Term Situational Remote Work
Requests should be made to the direct supervisor in writing when possible, verbally when necessary, and should explain the situation necessitating the employee to work from a remote location. Verbal requests should be documented in writing within 24 hours. These requests require approval by the direct supervisor. - Long-Term Situational Remote Work
Requests for remote work due to unexpected instances that require the employee to be away from the campus for more than three days should be submitted in writing to the direct supervisor. These situations require approval from the direct supervisor and administrator. Employees must submit:- The timeline anticipated for the situational work request.
- A list of major processes/work tasks they anticipate completing during the remote work period.
- Points of contact if they are unavailable to complete a process or task
- The preferred method of outreach while they are working remotely (e-mail, Microsoft Teams, text, phone call) and their plan for response.
- Short-Term Situational Remote Work