5.26 Hours of Work
(Adopted 6-1-1992; Revised 6-23-2003; Reaffirmed 12-2-2013)
The time and duration of working hours for exempt and non-exempt employees will be established as required by workload and the efficient management of personnel resources.
5.26.1 Employee Work Hours
Each department’s hours of operation will be determined by the supervisor and administrator. The schedule of work hours for employees will be determined by the department supervisor. Employees will be informed of their scheduled hours and of any changes to the schedule as far in advance as possible.
The normal workday for full-time exempt and non-exempt employees will consist of eight (8) consecutive hours of work with an unpaid meal period.
5.26.2 Attendance at Lectures, Meetings, and Training Programs
Attendance at lectures, meetings, and training programs will be considered time worked if pre-approved by the appropriate administrator.
Attendance is not considered time worked if:
- The employee’s attendance is voluntary, i.e., not required by the College.
- The course, lecture, or meeting is not a requirement of the employee’s job.
5.26.3 Overtime (Revised 12-2-2013, 6-13-2022)
Non-exempt employees may be required to work overtime whenever it is deemed necessary by their administrator. Employees are not permitted to work overtime without the prior approval of their supervisor and the appropriate administrator.