5.13 Institutional Use of Name
(Adopted 6/13/2022)
East Central College uses an employee’s legal name at the time of hire or after a legal change for all official College business and communication. Employees who desire to be addressed by a preferred first name which varies from their legal name may opt to specify that a preferred or chosen first name be used for College communication except where use of a legal name is required for College business.
Procedures (adopted 6/13/2022)
5.13.1 Institutional Definitions
Legal Name: The name an individual received at birth and/or the name depicted on legal documents including a birth certificate, social security card, driver’s license, passport, etc.
Preferred or Chosen Name: The name an individual has adopted as a replacement for their legal name. The chosen name and legal name will likely not match unless the individual has had the ability to undergo a legal name change process.
5.13.2 Use of Legal Name for College Business
The College will use the legal name shared at the time of application, initial employment, or post hire when a new social security card is presented with a legal name change.
The legal name (as shown on the Social Security card) will appear on official legal documents used for College business such as:
- Employment records
- Checks disbursed
- Payroll records and tax forms
- Insurance documents
- Employment contracts
- Retirement documents
- Official health records
- Formal HR correspondence
5.13.3 Use of a Preferred or Chosen First Name for College Communication
The College will use the preferred or chosen first name shared at the time of application, initial employment, or added/changed at a later date.
Preferred or chosen first names may be used if they are not a form of misrepresentation, an attempt to avoid legal obligation, discriminatory, offensive, or fraudulent. The College reserves the right to remove (with or without notice) the preferred name if it contains inappropriate, offensive, or discriminatory language. If an inappropriate preferred or chosen name is removed, the College will default to the employee’s legal name and restrict the use of a preferred or chosen name.
The preferred or chosen first name will be used for records/communication in the following capacities and other areas where appropriate and feasible:
- Aviso
- Colleague System
- eCentral System
- Email Addresses
- Email Display Names
- Employee Online Directory
- Phone Directory
- Employee Identification Cards
- Marketing Materials
- Staffing Plan
- Organizational Chart
- Board memos (will include legal and preferred name)
- Years of Service Awards
Once documentation is submitted, the preferred/chosen name will be displayed in the areas listed above. College processes do not allow for partial applications of the preferred/chosen name.
5.13.4 Request for Preferred or Chosen First Name Change
An employee may request the use of a preferred or chosen first name at the time of application, initial employment, or post-hire by indicating the preferred or chosen name on the Personal Data Sheet available on the Human Resources website and submit the form to Human Resources.
The employee will need to communicate the use of a preferred or chosen first name or of a name change to their supervisor, coworkers, other college staff, students (if applicable), and other relevant individuals.
Human Resources will communicate the change to the Business Office and IT department for processing.
The IT Department will communicate the process for current employees to retain current email records. Employees may request an alias email that will populate the pre-existing inbox to preserve prior emails.
It is important to note that requesting the use of a preferred/chosen first name does not initiate and/or constitute a legal name change. East Central College is not authorized to make a legal name change.
5.13.5 Request for Legal Name Change
The College will make a change to an employee’s legal name for employment records when the employee completes the Personal Data Sheet, submits an updated I-9 form, and provides a social security card or court order with the new legal name to Human Resources.
The employee will need to communicate the legal name change to their supervisor, coworkers, other college staff, students (if applicable), and other relevant individuals. Human Resources will communicate the change to the business office and IT department for processing.
The IT Department will communicate the process for current employees for retaining current email records. Employees may request an alias email that will populate the pre-existing inbox to preserve prior emails.
5.13.6 Request for Name Change for Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
The College will accommodate a request for temporary first and last name change due to Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault in compliance with Policy 5.36 Leave and Accommodations for Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault.
The preferred or chosen name will be used for records/communication in the following capacities, and other areas where appropriate and feasible:
- Aviso
- Colleague System
- eCentral System
- Email Addresses
- Email Display Names
- Employee Online Directory
- Phone Directory
- Employee Identification Cards
- Staffing Plan
- Organizational chart
- Marketing Materials
- Board memos (will include legal and preferred name)
The employee will need to communicate the use of a preferred or chosen name to their supervisor, coworkers, other college staff, students (if applicable), and other relevant individuals.
Human Resources will communicate the change to the Business Office and IT department for processing.
The IT Department will communicate the process for current employees to retain current email records. Employees may request an alias email that will populate the pre-existing inbox to preserve prior emails.