5.14 Job Transfer
(Adopted 6-1-1992; Revised 5-9-2005, 12-2-2013)
Transfer of personnel will be made in the best interest of the College. The length of service and qualifications of the person will be taken into consideration.
Procedures (Revised 4-6-2006)
5.14.1 Reasons for Transfer
The College retains complete discretion in handling employee transfers. Acceptable reasons for transfer may include but are not necessarily limited to fluctuations in workloads, better utilization of personnel, increased career opportunities, and health considerations.
5.14.2 Pay for Transferred Employees (Revised 12-2-2013, 6-13-2022)
Pay for employees will be determined as follows:
- Lateral Transfers
Employees transferred to a job within the same classification will continue to receive their existing rate of pay. - Transfer to Lower Classification
Employees transferred or reclassified to a job in a lower classification will continue to be paid at their former rate of pay for four (4) weeks or until the end of current contractual obligations, if applicable, and then at the new rate of pay thereafter.
The new salary will be calculated according to the salary placement guidelines as used for new hires. - Transfer to Higher Classification
Employees transferred or reclassified to a job in a higher classification will be placed at the appropriate salary according to the salary placement guidelines as used for new hires or no less than ten (10) percent higher than the employee’s current salary commencing with the start of the new job. - Transfer from Non-Faculty Position to Faculty (Adopted 12-2- 2013)
Employees transferred or reclassified will be placed at the appropriate faculty salary commencing with the start of the new position. Credentials, relevant experience, and years of service to the College will be considered in determining the appropriate salary. - Transfer from Faculty to Non-Faculty Position (Adopted 12-2-2013)
Employees transferred or reclassified will be placed at the appropriate salary according to the salary placement guidelines commencing with the start of the new position. Credentials, relevant experience, and years of service to the College will be considered in determining the appropriate salary.