5.43 Professional Association Membership
(Adopted 6-1-1992; Revised 11-3-2003; Reaffirmed 11-4-2013)
Employees are encouraged to join and participate in professional associations and may be sponsored in professional associations when this will serve the College’s interests and goals.
5.43.1 Employee-Selected Professional Association
Employees are encouraged to participate in professional associations that promote professional development. However, employee participation in such associations may not be supported financially by the College unless such participation is in support of particular College interests and goals.
5.43.2 College-Recommended Professional Association
The College may identify certain professional associations in which it wants to be represented and then designate the employees that it will sponsor for membership in such associations. Employees so designated will represent the College in the organization and will be expected to participate actively and promote its interests.
5.43.3 Coordinating Representation
Administrators are responsible for coordinating sponsorships of employees in professional associations. Administrators will normally consider the following factors in selecting associations in which to sponsor representation and in designating employees to be sponsored for membership:
- The nature and purpose of the association
- The benefit to be derived by the College’s support and from employee participation
- The cost to the College
- The extent to which the College is already represented in the association
- The employee’s job responsibilities, length of service, and overall qualifications for membership
5.43.4 Planning, Budgeting, and Expense Approval
Administrators are responsible for planning, budgeting, and approving the expenses of their employees’ participation in association activities. The College will pay for or reimburse the approved and reasonable expenses of employees sponsored for membership in professional associations.