5.53 Professional Development – Faculty
(Approved 4-7-2003; Revised 8-27-2007, 4-15-2014, 6-13-2022)
Faculty are encouraged to take advantage of opportunities for education, peer networking, learning, and growth. Resources will be made available through the Faculty Professional Development Fund (FPDF), individual faculty development accounts, and the Academic Affairs Professional Development Reserve Fund.
Procedures (Revised 4-15-2014, 6-13-2022)
5.53.1 The Faculty Professional Development Fund (FPDF) is available for use to travel to conferences, workshops, and meetings, or to fund other approved development activities. The Faculty Professional Development Committee will oversee the application and disbursement process for requests from the FPDF with final approval made by the Chief Academic Officer. Any remaining funds at the end of each fiscal year will be divided equally among all current full-time faculty individual development accounts.
5.53.2 Faculty may accrue funds in individual faculty development accounts. Any remaining funds at the end of each fiscal year will go into the Academic Affairs Professional Development Reserve Fund. New faculty will be allotted $500 for their individual faculty development account at hire. Additional funds may be earned by participation in specific activities as outlined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement. A maximum of $2,500 may be accrued in the individual faculty development account. Any funds in excess of $2,500 or funds remaining in an individual faculty member’s account when they leave the institution will go into the Academic Affairs Professional Development Reserve Fund.