5.6 Salary Placement
(Approved 7-15-1991; Revised 5-8-2006, 11-4-2013)
Salary placement guidelines will be developed by administration and Human Resources.
Procedures (Revised 11-4-2013)
5.6.1 Faculty Salary Guidelines
- Faculty will receive contracted pay according to guidelines that will be reviewed annually.
- The faculty salary guidelines will include provisions for those with less than a master’s degree as well as those with an earned doctorate.
- Initial placement will be based upon relevant experience as determined by the College, earned academic degrees, and market demand.
- Faculty rank at hiring will be considered based on the guidelines of the Rank and Promotion Policy.
5.6.2 Professional Staff and Administrator Salary Guidelines (Revised 6-13-2022)
- Professional staff and administrators will receive contracted pay according to grade levels.
- Initial placement will be based upon relevant experience, earned academic degrees, and market demand.
5.6.3 Support Staff Salary Guidelines (Adopted 11-4-2013; Revised 6-13-2022)
- Support staff will receive pay according to grade levels.
- Initial placement will be based upon appropriate experience, earned academic degrees, and market demand.