5.11 Staffing Plan
(Adopted 6-1-1992; Revised 6-23-2003; Reaffirmed 11-4-2013)
Administration will develop and maintain an annual staffing plan in order to budget for and monitor staffing levels.
Procedures (Revised 11-4-2013)
5.11.1 Plan Development
Developing the staffing plan will be the responsibility of the President, with approval by the Board of Trustees. Maintaining the staffing plan will be the responsibility of the Director of Human Resources.
5.11.2 Time Schedule (Revised 6-13-2022)
- The administrative team will discuss and assess staffing needs for the next fiscal year. Discussions will begin early in the calendar year and continue until the budgetary framework has been established.
- The President will submit the Staffing Plan for the new fiscal year and the annual budget to the Board of Trustees for approval no later than June 30.
- The President will submit changes to the staffing plan for approval by the Board of Trustees as needed during the fiscal year.
5.11.3 Plan Content (Revised 6-13-2022)
The Staffing Plan will include full-time and part-time regular positions, the position title, the employee classification, the funding source, and the name of the individual currently holding the position.
- New positions must be approved by the Board of Trustees.
- Replacement of employees in exempt positions must be approved by the Board of Trustees.
- Vacancies in non-exempt positions may be filled with the approval of the College President for full-time positions or the appropriate administrator for part-time positions.