5.24 Supplemental Employment
(Approved 12-3-1968; Revised 6-23-2003, 3-3-2014, 6-13-2022)
No full-time employee of the College will engage in any supplemental employment which will in any way interfere with their ability to carry out their assignment. Supplemental employment is defined as any assignment for pay with the College or any other employer that is outside the employee’s defined, regular College position.
Procedures (Revised 8-14-2006, 6-13-2022)
5.24.1 Use of Leave for Supplemental Employment (Revised 3-3-2014)
Employees who have accepted supplemental employment may not utilize paid sick leave when the absence is used to work on the supplemental job. Personal leave and vacation days may not be utilized to work a supplemental job at the College.
5.24.2 Provision of Tutoring or Private Services
Employees shall not tutor or provide services for compensation to any student who should receive those services free of charge using customary College services and procedures.
5.24.3 Supplemental Employment for Additional Compensation with the College (Adopted 3-3-2014)
College employees with supplemental employment must perform the duties outside of their normal work shift, including breaks and/or lunch, and cannot use accrued leave.
Full-time professional staff teaching/working for the College outside of their normal job shall be paid through the assignment sheet/Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) while a full-time hourly employee shall complete a timesheet for hours worked.
Exempt employees will be paid according to the terms of the assignment sheet or MOU.
Non-exempt employees will be paid at the established hourly rate for the supplementary job for actual hours worked and will receive pay for an evening class if the College is closed for inclement weather. Non-exempt employees must keep an accurate time record of all hours worked for the supplementary teaching duties and submit a separate timesheet for this position to the appropriate dean.