5.5 Temporary Staff
(Approved 1-7-1991; Revised 6-23-2003, 11-4-2013, 6-13-2022)
The President of the College may supplement the approved staffing plan with temporary staff when needed.
Procedures (Revised 11-4-2013, 6-13-2022)
5.5.1 Definition of Temporary Staff
Temporary staff are hired either part-time or full-time for a specified period of time not to exceed 12 months. Temporary staff are subject to FLSA and PSRS/PEERS guidelines.
Project-based staff are hired to supplement department staffing on an as needed basis. Actual hours worked are dependent on the immediate needs of the department as established by the supervisor and administrator (includes art models).
Community Education staff are hired to teach non-credit courses or complete special projects. Actual hours worked are dependent on the immediate needs of the project or the enrollment of the course as established by the supervisor and administrator.
Workforce Training staff are hired to teach non-credit courses or complete special projects. Actual hours worked are dependent on the immediate needs of the project or the enrollment of the course as established by the supervisor and administrator.
5.5.2 Benefits
Temporary staff are not eligible for College-paid benefits such as paid leave, vacations, holidays, educational assistance, and College-paid dental, vision, or life insurance. Temporary staff are not eligible for College-paid medical insurance unless otherwise required by law.
Temporary staff who are required to work over the weekly limit set by the Public Education Employee Retirement System or the Public School Retirement System on a consistent basis will be required to contribute to the retirement system in accordance with applicable state law.
Temporary staff qualify for workers’ compensation and unemployment benefits as governed by state and federal regulations.
5.5.3 Staff Member Status Change
A temporary staff member who accepts a regular position will be eligible for the benefits associated with the regular position according to Board Policy.