3.12 Grade Forgiveness Petition
(Adopted 8-28-2003; Revised 8-27-2007)
Students at East Central College may petition for grade forgiveness; application is limited to grades of D or F earned in coursework in a single semester.
Procedures: (Revised 12-6-2021)
3.12.1 Certain conditions apply to be eligible. The original grade remains on the transcript, and the forgiveness is noted. Forgiven grades will be excluded in the calculation of the cumulative GPA. Transfer institutions may or may not, at their discretion, honor the grade forgiveness from East Central College. Students should consult with the transfer school regarding its policies.
3.12.2 Students may obtain more information on Grade Forgiveness from their academic advisor. The grade forgiveness petition is available in the Registrar’s Office or on the College website.