(Revised 5-7-1973; Reaffirmed 12-2-1991; Revised 8-28-2003, 6-16-2014)

Admission to East Central College carries an obligation to conduct oneself as a responsible member of the College community. Individual students and student organizations are required to observe the policies of the College and the laws of city, state, and federal governments. Student and organizational behavior must be compatible with the educational objectives of the College thereby maintaining safety standards and promoting the health and wellness of each member of the College community. Students are expected to approach each academic course and activity with a willingness to learn and an attitude of cooperation. Students and student organizations are expected to uphold the key principles of honor, truthfulness, and respect for people and property. Prohibited conduct will lead to student discipline.

Procedures: (Revised 5-12-2008; Revised 8-2012, 6-16-2014, 12-6-2021)

3.20.1 Prohibited Conduct:

  1. Violations of standards established by College academic programs for student conduct in areas and classes such as the gym, fitness center, locker rooms, clinical settings, labs, shops, and internships.
  2. Violation of or disregard for safety policies and procedures, e.g., lab safety contract.
  3. Violation of Policy 4.30 Tobacco-Free Campus.
  4. Violation of Policy 4.47 Acceptable Use of Technology.
  5. All forms of academic dishonesty such as cheating, aiding or abetting cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, or multiple submission of papers in courses without prior instructor consent, or representation of others’ work as one’s own. (Refer to Academic Honor Code.)
  6. Knowingly furnishing false information to the College.
  7. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of College documents, records, or identification, whether in written or electronic form.
  8. Obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary procedures, or any other College events or activities, including public service functions and other authorized activities on College premises.
  9. Disturbing others with strong, pervasive odors such as perfume, cologne, body odor, animal odor, alcohol, or illegal substances.
  10. Assault, abuse, or conduct that threatens or endangers the health or safety of another person on College-owned or controlled property or at a College-sponsored or supervised function.
  11. Theft, malicious destruction, damage, misuse, or conversion of property belonging to the College, a College employee, a College student, or a campus visitor.
  12. Unauthorized entry into or use of College facilities.
  13. Violation of local, state, or federal laws on College-owned or controlled property or at College-sponsored or supervised functions.
  14. Violation of Policy 3.25 Drugs and Alcohol Abuse Prevention.
  15. Failure to identify oneself when requested to by College officials or College agents or failure to comply with directions of College officials acting in the performance of their duties.
  16. Possession or use of firearms or other weapons, explosives, dangerous chemicals, or fireworks on campus or at College-sponsored or supervised activities.
  17. Gambling on College-owned or controlled property or at College-sponsored or supervised functions. Charitable or fund-raising raffles may be permitted for student organizations with the approval of the Chief Student Affairs Officer.
  18. Violation of Policy 3.30 Student Protections Against Discrimination and Harassment or Policy 3.31 Student Title IX Sexual Harassment.
  19. Violation of College policies regarding discrimination and harassment.
  20. Disorderly conduct, breach of public decency, breach of the peace, aiding or inciting another to breach the peace, infringement upon the rights of another, or defamation of another either on College property or at College-authorized activities.
  21. Hazing, or any act that intimidates, frightens, or degrades an individual.
  22. Bullying, defined as repeated and/or severe aggressive behavior likely to intimidate or intentionally hurt, control, or diminish another person, physically or mentally.
  23. Stalking, defined as engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific member of the College community that would cause a reasonable person to fear for personal safety or the safety of others, or to suffer substantial emotional distress. For purposes of this definition, a course of conduct means that two or more acts, including, but not limited to, acts in which the stalker directly, indirectly, or through third parties by any action, method, device or means, follows, monitors, observes, surveils, threatens, or communicates to or about a person, or interferes with a person’s property. Stalking may involve physical stalking and/or cyber stalking.
  24. Any aforementioned act committed in concert with other persons may make each participant responsible for the acts of the entire group.

3.20.2 Jurisdiction for this Policy applies to student conduct that occurs on all property owned, operated, or maintained by East Central College as well as actions that occur off-campus when the misconduct affects the well-being of students and other members of the College community.