Professional Development/Continuous Improvement Related To HLC

As a result of feedback from the 2017 Comprehensive Review, ECC sought professional learning opportunities to support its continuous improvement efforts:

  1. ECC engaged the services of Campus Works to facilitate the development of the SOAR to 2024 Strategic Plan. The additional support and guidance from experts enabled Campus Leadership to learn alongside and fully participate in the process.
  2. ECC joined the HLC Assessment Academy (Fall 2018) to enhance the knowledge of student learning assessment and enable faculty leadership.
  3. ECC attended the HLC Standard Pathway training in February 2020 and again in October 2020 with different campus leaders.
  4. ECC participated in the HLC General Education Assessment program in preparation for a comprehensive review of General Education in 20-21.
  5. ECC committed to wider participation in the HLC Annual Conference Spring 2021.
  6. ECC’s Annual Assessment Showcase is now held each year in the Spring.

ECC is committed to learning and actively seeks assistance from experts in the field to continuously improve.

Preparation and Training

August 2021 — HLC Overview presentation to all campus

August 2021 — Criterion 3 Overview presentation to Instructional Staff and Faculty

October 2021 — Navigating the HLC workshop to all campus (focus on Criterion 1 & 2)

November 2021 — Mock Visit

January 2022 — Navigating the HLC workshop to all campus (focus on Criterion 5)

February 2022 — Navigating the HLC workshop to all campus (focus on Criterion 3)

March 2022 — Navigating the HLC workshop to all campus (focus on Criterion 4)

April 2022 — HLC Comprehensive Visit