ECC-HLC 2022 Comprehensive Visit

Information Archive


Summer 2022

July 2022 — Official notice of outcome from HLC

Spring 2022

January 2–25, 2022 — Assurance Argument: Edit text, check and update evidence, write the Introduction

January 30, 2022 — Student Opinion Survey distributed

January–April, 2022 — Campus Prep Sessions

March 12, 2022 — Document submission “Lock Date”

April 11–12, 2022 — HLC Review Team site visit

Fall 2021

November 2021 — HLC Mock Visit

November–December 2021 — Check-in with Leadership Groups

December 21, 2021 — Assurance Argument complete, Assumed Practices Evaluation complete

Summer/Early Fall 2021

Preparation of full Assurance Argument draft; Campus update, Board of Trustees Update

Spring 2021

January 2021 — Campus update

January–May 2021 — Ongoing improvement with identified core components; Steering Committee reviews work from the Criterion groups and provides feedback

Fall 2020

December 2020 — First round of evidence gathered with first draft of assurance worksheets complete; Present to the Steering Committee for feedback

Summer 2020

Tri-Chairs, Steering Committee, and Criterion Work Groups determined; Timeline established