SOAR to 2024

Soar to 2024 logo

ECC is in the process of refreshing its strategic plan. A recap of SOAR to 2024 and a new Strategic Plan are coming by December 1, 2024

Strategic Plan infographic

ECC created its comprehensive strategic plan SOAR to 2024 in 2018–19. The development process included widespread involvement, including employees, students, and community members. The mission and vision remain front and center in campus decision-making, and the values and strategies are embedded in campus operations. Progress monitoring is ongoing, with updates provided regularly to campus and the board of trustees.

Strategies and Progress
  • Pathways
  • Partnerships
  • Employees
  • Rolla
  • Financial Strength


Develop clear academic and career pathways with personalized support to increase enrollment and promote student success.

    2022 Progress
  • Student-Centered Processes

    • Shared Admissions Calendar
    • Systematic Outreach to Admitted Students
    • Substantive, engaging face-to-face orientation
    • Increased coordination for Falcon Seminar
    • Last semester planning for graduating students
    • Decreases in students dropped for non-payment

    Implementing Best Practices

    • Falcon Career Center opens in August 2022
    • Department Retention goals and plans are included in the Annual Assessment Plan and Report
    • Achieving The Dream assessment of Holistic Student Support is in progress
    • Participation in MDHEWD Student Bridges Enhancement Project
    • Multiple articulation agreements completed

    Credit Hour Production

    Credit Hour Production is calculated from credit hours at end of term for Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring. It includes dual credit.

    The goal of 60,000 credit hours was set in 2019-20 as part of the Strategic Plan development. The FY22 Actual number of 51,870 is preliminary and will be official in October when it is submitted to IPEDS.

    Credit Hour Production barchart by financial year

    Degrees and Certificates Awarded Annually

    Degrees and Certificates Awarded Annually barchart by financial year

    Other Highlights

    • Commitment to Customer Relationship Management Software
    • Guided Pathways assessment begun, including information from Achieving the Dream
    • 32 additional December 2022 graduates compared to 2021
    • Fall ‘22 course success rate is 80.2% compared to 79.8% in Fall ‘21