Psychology Courses

PSY 101 General Psychology
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of ""C"" in ENG 080 or appropriate reading placement score.

A course designed to provide the student with a broad, general introduction to the field of psychology. It is a study of behavior designed to present an account of the significant concepts and findings of contemporary psychology. The course should provide a clear description of the bodies of knowledge in the core areas of psychology.

PSY 221 Social Psychology
Prerequisite: PSY 101 

This course focuses on the analysis of individual behavior in the social setting. Special attention will be given to the theories, methods, and research related to topics including conformity, persuasion, aggression, helping behavior, social judgments, attraction, and the self.

PSY 222 Personal & Social Adjustment
Prerequisite: PSY 101; minimum grade C and appropriate placement into ENG 101. 

A practical and applied study of the psychology of personal adjustment, designed to assist the student in understanding the challenges of adjustment to oneself and others in a social world. Additional emphasis is on adjusting to major life events. Highlights include a discussion of personality differences, personal character and integrity, the concept of the self and issues of self-control, stress, coping, physical and mental health, and adjustment to careers and retirement, interpersonal relationships, and social behavior. 

PSY 224 Abnormal Psychology
Prerequisite: PSY 101 

This is a survey course designed to examine the etiology, prevalence, symptomology, and treatment approaches of the major psychological disorders. Topics include anxiety and mood disorders, schizophrenia, somatoform and dissociative disorders, alcohol and drug abuse, development- related disorders, eating disorders and personality disorders.

PSY 250 Human Development
Prerequisite: PSY 101 and appropriate placement into ENG 101.

A course designed to provide the student with a broad, general introduction to human development. The entire life span will be covered including those concepts and principles basic to an understanding of human development. Development will be studied using an integrated approach from the biological, psychological, sociological, and cultural perspectives.

PSY 251 Child Psychology
Prerequisite: PSY 101 or instructor consent

A study of development from conception to adolescence emphasizing both current and historical approaches to research and theory, genetic and environmental influences on development, and the sequence and timing of physical, mental, and personality development throughout the years of life from conception through adolescence.

PSY 252 Adolescent Psychology
Prerequisite: PSY 101 or instructor consent

A broad, general introduction to human development and, specifically, adolescent development. Adolescence will be viewed in the entire life cycle and in the social, cultural, political and historical contexts. An integrated approach involving biological, psychological, and cultural perspectives will be used.

PSY 270 I.S.-Psychology
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor

A specialized program of study directly related to the department's area of expertise. The course is arranged between a faculty member and student and takes into consideration the needs, interests and background of the student.

PSY 280 Special Topics-Psychology
Prerequisite: None

Courses are offered to accommodate special interests of students and/or faculty. Typically, the course will cover new material not currently contained in the curriculum at ECC.