Sociology Courses
An introductory course in the field of sociology with special emphasis on the scientific study of social relations, social organizations, social institutions, and social dynamics.
A study of select problems, including consideration of proposed lines of action in dealing with them. Problem areas include population, the affluent society, poverty, urban renewal, delinquency and crime, automation, the aging, ethnic and racial relations, and the role of the United States in the relationship to the underdeveloped areas of the world.
An introduction to the applied principles of sociology and psychology as they relate to human interaction in small groups. Major emphasis is placed on analysis of the interaction process with a view toward additional understanding of individual and group behavior and the problems attendant to leadership.
A study of the family, society, and the individual. The course includes background on American family patterns; premarital behavior; marriage and variations in family forms; and problems of the family today. Special emphasis is given to marriage and the family as a kind of human relationship.
A study of philosophy, historical development, and perspectives of social work.
Introductory survey of the interdisciplinary scientific study of gender in the United States and globally. The personal, social, structural, political, economic, cultural, and historical processes that shape and are shaped by gender and sex are explored. Contemporary social issues related to sex and gender include inequities, marginalization, and intersections with race, class, age, and sexuality will be evaluated.
A specialized program of study directly related to the department's area of expertise. The course is arranged between a faculty member and student and takes into consideration the needs, interests and background of the student.
Courses are offered to accommodate special interests of students and/or faculty. Typically, the course will cover new material not currently contained in the curriculum at ECC.