Achieving the Dream

EAST CENTRAL COLLEGE’s Partner in success for all students.
A partnership for institutional change.
We are helping ECC students achieve their dreams.
In 2024, East Central College began a partnership with the community college innovation champion, Achieving the Dream, to ensure that all of our students succeed.
This partnership is transformational.
Our Partnership
As a member of Achieving the Dream’s community college network, East Central College uses data, field-tested resources, and the expert guidance of our Achieving the Dream coaches to close gaps in student success. Though our projects focus on underserved students, all students and the surrounding community benefit. Strategically using data helps us to create a culture of evidence, identifying the populations of students frequently facing barriers to success. Achieving the Dream helps us dismantle these barriers by offering the hands-on experience of coaches and other network members, which include a number of rural community colleges like East Central College.
We Learn
As a member college of the Achieving the Dream network, ECC has access to in-person convenings with other colleges, institutes, webinars, courses, new research, toolkits, and countless other resources. Our two coaches, Donna Kragt and Dr. Tamara Clunis, help guide our work using their years of experience and keen understanding of our college’s needs.
We Act
ECC’s faculty and staff have implemented several Achieving the Dream teams who work constantly with our coaches to drive institutional transformation. Projects impacting the whole campus are led by the Core Team, Data Team, and Communications Team. These teams affect change within their roles and in diverse collaborative groups with others on campus. Learn more about our teams here.
The Strategy
➤ ECC’s two seasoned ATD coaches assess the college over time to understand its unique strengths and priority areas of improvement; we work together to create a plan for institutional change over the next several years and beyond
➤ Our coaches assist in the establishment of teams at ECC that are constantly engaged, deeply embedded, and led by faculty, staff, and students
➤ The ATD network and coaches provide expert advice and resources to help guide our work in a well-paced and sustainable way

Institutional Capacity Framework.
Learn More About Our Work with Achieving the Dream
Early Momentum Metrics
ATD Projects
Partnership Timeline
of ECC students earn zero credit after their first semester on average.
Early Momentum Metrics can be used to accurately predict student outcomes and implement early interventions.
Example: Frequent discussions across campus about how many ECC students earn zero credit after their first semester will guide our work as we address the problem from several angles. Read more about this metric and its data here.
Data for ECC’s Early Momentum Metrics is collected, analyzed, and presented by Institutional Research.
ATD projects aim to significantly improve student success rates, particularly for underrepresented populations like low-income students and students of color, by implementing data-driven strategies to address barriers to completion and close equity gaps. Our work is closely aligned with ECC’s Strategic Plan and Title III programs. To see how, please view the ECC Institutional Strategy Crosswalk.
Achieving the Dream Project Examples
Below are examples of projects often launched by Achieving the Dream network colleges. Several of these programs began before our partnership with Achieving the Dream, but we aim to understand how these program can be improved or expanded for student success.
- Guided Pathways implementation
- Learning Center Expansion
- Early College Bridge Programs
- Data-Driven Interventions
- Culturally Responsive Pedagogy Training
- Basic Needs and Wellness Support
- Adult Learner Support Initiatives
- Mentorship Programs
- Equity Audit and Action
ECC’s ATD Teams
Our Achieving the Dream coaches have assisted us in establishing teams at ECC that are active, deeply embedded, and led by faculty and staff.
Core Team
The Core Team acts as the central leadership group responsible for coordinating data analysis, developing strategic plans, communicating with the national Achieving the Dream organization, and driving college-wide efforts to improve student outcomes, particularly for low-income students and marginalized students; essentially acting as the primary conduit for implementing the ATD program improvements at ECC.
Core Team Members
Ann Boehmer Dean, Arts & Sciences | Katie Holtmeyer Instructor, English |
Bethany Lohden Director, Institutional Research | Leigh Kolb Associate Professor, English/Journalism |
Cassidy Litle Supplemental Instruction Coordinator | Lindsay Riegel Retention Coordinator |
Erin Anglin Executive Director, Learning Center & Academic Support | Dr. Robyn Walter Vice President, Academic Affairs |
Jean Woodson Title III Program Coordinator | Sarah Leassner Vice President, Student Development |
Jenni Crosby Assistant Director, ECC Rolla | Sarah Scroggins Registrar |
Dr. Jon Bauer College President | Stacy Bogier Director, Financial Aid |
Data Team
The purpose of the Data Team is to collect, analyze, and share data to enhance student success outcomes. By identifying trends in student access, progression, and achievement, the team aims to inform strategies that address equity gaps, improve institutional performance, and foster a culture of data-driven decision-making.
Data Team Members
Bethany Lohden Director, Institutional Research | Jean Woodson Title III Program Coordinator |
Christina Ayres Director, Rolla Campus | Lindsay Riegel Retention Coordinator |
Dana Riegel Research Analyst | Dr. Michelle Smith Executive Director, Institutional Effectiveness |
Dr. Elizabeth Flotte Assistant Professor, Biology | Dr. Robyn Walter Vice President, Academic Affairs |
Erin Anglin Executive Director, Learning Center & Academic Support | Stephanie Hebert Director, Student Development Strategy |
Communications Team
The purpose of the Communications Team is to develop a strategic communication plan to share student success strategies and achievements at East Central College. The team will determine key strategic messages and their delivery methods. They will work to communicate with three different audiences: current and prospective students, internal faculty and staff, and external community members and service providers.
Communications Team Members
Andrew Kolb Coordinator, Web Services/Programming | Jean Woodson Title III Program Coordinator |
Andy Klingensmith Coordinator, Campus Life and Leadership | Jenni Crosby Assistant Director, ECC Rolla |
Bethany Lohden Director, Institutional Research | Joel Doepker Vice President, External Relations |
Dora Bell Retention Specialist | Leigh Kolb Associate Professor, English/Journalism |
Frank Miller Director, Enrollment Services | Dr. Robyn Walter Vice President, Academic Affairs |
Gregg Jones Director, Communications & Marketing | Stephanie Hebert Director, Student Development Strategy |
Haley Walter Enrollment Counselor – Diverse Populations | Sarah Leassner Vice President, Student Development |
- ECC Receives $2.1 Million Federal Grant to Support Student Success
- ECC joins Achieving the Dream Network to Advance Student Success
- Achieving the Dream welcomes 8 new colleges to its network to advance equity and student success
- New Network colleges prepare for Kickoff and commencement of the ATD journey
Achieving the Dream Resources
- ECC Resources
- One-Pager (Achieving the Dream in a Snapshot)
- What ECC Faculty and Staff Have to Say About Achieving the Dream
- Institutional Strategy Crosswalk: How ATD, ECC’s Strategic Plan, and Title III Overlap
- ECC’s Early Momentum Metric: Zero Credit
- The Finish Line
- ECC has two Finish Line board games for faculty and staff to use
- To sign up for a game session or borrow the board game, contact us
- Achieving the Dream Resources
- About ATD’s Work
- ATD Coaching
- About ATD Coaching
- ECC’s Coaches
- Data Coach: Donna Kragt
- Teaching and Learning Coach: Dr. Tamara Clunis
- ATD Data
- ATD Resources for Faculty and Staff
Questions about ECC’s work with Achieving the Dream? Want to get involved?
Contact Dr. Robyn Walter, Vice President of Academic Affairs, or Sarah Leassner, Vice President of Student Development.