Title III: Strengthening Institutions Program

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Title III: Soar to Success

The Title III – Part A Strengthening Institutions (SIP) grant is made possible by the U.S. Department of Education. The Title III – Part A program “helps institutions of higher education to become self-sufficient and expand their capacity to serve low-income students by providing funds to improve and strengthen the academic quality, institutional management, and fiscal stability of eligible institutions.” Through these funds, East Central College has implemented its Soar to Success project.

Project-Wide Strategies

Through a comprehensive review of its academic programs, institutional management, and fiscal stability, East Central College has identified three overarching strategies for the Soar to Success project:

  1. Enhance advising processes and functions.
  2. Provide training and resource to promote effective advising and instruction.
  3. Improve academic support.

Goals & Strategies for Achievement

East Central College has identified goals in the areas of advising and coaching capabilities, faculty/staff training and resources, student support, and fiscal stability, with specific strategies contributing to each.

  1. Improve student supports.
  2. Enhance advising and coaching capabilities and functions.
    • Establish a holistic student support and advising model, including a focus on collaboration between Success Coaches and Academic Advisors.
    • Hire additional staff to support a full range of student success needs, including academic preparation and advising, early alerts, retention, and course success.
  3. Provide training and resources to faculty and staff.
    • Implement professional development for technology.
    • Ensure adequate technology and training to expand HyFlex offerings from the pilot program.
    • Enhance online course design and train faculty on high impact practices for improving learning outcomes.
  4. Improve fiscal stability.
    • Establish an endowment fund that will contribute to future student support activities.
    • Meet retention targets through the proposed strategies and solutions so that retention may effectively serve as a boost to enrollment.


The Title III program at East Central College is committed to strict compliance with the legislation, regulations, and guidance as listed by the Department of Education.

Project Leadership

Jean Woodson
Title III Program Coordinator
 636-584-6921 | jean.woodson@eastcentral.edu

Dr. Robyn Walter
Vice President, Academic Affairs & Title III Project Director
 636-584-6601 | robyn.walter@eastcentral.edu

Title III Steering Committee

Though the office of Title III Programs is housed in Academic Affairs, the work of the Soar to Success project is owned by the institution. The institution has developed a Title III Steering Committee to monitor project implementation. This committee is comprised of employees from every division of the College and operates under a tri-chair model. The steering committee also consists of four subcommittees corresponding with the four primary initiatives included in the project. Those subcommittees operate under a co-chair model and include faculty, staff, and administration.

Steering Committee Roster

Member NameMember Title
Dr. Robyn WalterVice President, Academic Affairs / Title III Project Director
Jean WoodsonTitle III Program Coordinator
Sarah LeassnerVice President, Student Development
Dr. Jon BauerPresident
Ashley StraatmannDirector, Financial Services / Comptroller
Dr. Michelle SmithExecutive Director, Institutional Effectiveness
Bethany LohdenDirector, Institutional Research
Erin AnglinExecutive Director, Academic Support & Learning Center
Lindsay RiegelRetention Coordinator
Ann BoehmerDean, Arts & Sciences
Dr. Rachel HowardAssistant Professor, Psychology/Sociology
Olivia KerwinInstructor, Mathematics
Cass LitleSupplemental Instruction Coordinator
Stacy BogierDirector, Financial Aid
Stephanie HebertDirector, Student Development Strategy
Jenni CrosbyAssistant Director, ECC Rolla

Title III News

Title III Semesterly Newsletter