East Central College to Receive More Than $500,000 to Expand Advanced Manufacturing Apprenticeships
East Central College will continue to lead Missouri in advanced manufacturing apprenticeships thanks to a grant provided by the U.S. Department of Labor.
The U.S. DOL announced last month that Missouri will receive nearly $12 million to create the Missouri Apprenticeships in Manufacturing Program (MoAMP), a statewide initiative to improve the ability to deliver innovative pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship training programs.
Participants will learn skills and earn industry credentials, certificates and/or degrees that will lead to high-demand entry-and middle-skills occupations in the advanced manufacturing industry.
More than $500,000 will be awarded to East Central College to continue its current registered apprenticeship program and create additional apprenticeship opportunities.
“East Central College is a leader in the development and implementation of U.S. Department of Labor registered apprenticeships,” says Dr. Jon Bauer, president of East Central College. “ECC currently works with nine area companies on apprenticeship programs that includes nearly 40 apprentices. Advanced Manufacturing is crucial to the success of our area, where one in five jobs in the East Central College service area are in manufacturing.”
ECC apprentices learn on the job while also taking classes at East Central College that can lead to a certificate and/or a degree in high-demand manufacturing fields.
Advanced manufacturing in Missouri represents nearly nine percent of total private sector employment with more than 200,000 workers across some 9,700 establishments in 29 industries. From 2012-2017, Missouri’s manufacturing employment grew by 17,555.
The grant-writing effort was led by the Missouri Community College Association and St. Louis Community College, which will act as the grant’s fiscal agent. The grant application was also written with extensive input from state workforce development leaders and workforce investment boards.
The nine-member consortium of Missouri’s community colleges and State Technical College of Missouri, and private-sector partner, National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS), will target three career pathways of occupations within advanced manufacturing: automation and systems, logistics, and production and maintenance.
The nine colleges that will participate in the statewide consortium are East Central College (Union), Jefferson College (Hillsboro), Metropolitan Community College (Kansas City), Mineral Area College (Park Hills), Moberly Area Community College, St. Charles Community College, St. Louis Community College, State Fair Community College (Sedalia), and State Technical College of Missouri (Linn).