ECC staff member at computer

ECC Staff Conducts Wellness Checks on Students

January 13, 2021 | Campus News

Winter break typically is a time when college is not on the top of students’ minds.

But over the break, East Central College students were given a quick reminder of the college via wellbeing check phone calls from student services staff.

Vice President of Academic Affairs Robyn Walter said ECC staff reached out to current students to check in, adding that the calls were multi purposed with the goal of getting assistance to students in need.

Walter explained that the ECC employees contacted students to ask about their overall wellness, if they needed financial assistance or if they had health concerns.

“The focus is to connect with our students and help identify potential health, wellbeing, financial, or other personal or school related concerns so that we can link them now to campus or community resources before classes begin,” she said.

The spring semester is slated to begin Tuesday, Jan. 19.

During the conversation with students, they were informed of the ECC Food Bank form, ECC counseling services, bookstore information and financial assistance contact information.

According to Dr. Parvi Govindaswamy, the plan to contact students over break began during a discussion among members of the Civic and Community Engagement Coalition.

“One of our goals at ECC is to make sure we understand the issues students in our community may face,” said Dr. Govindaswamy.


Listed below are resources for ECC students:

  • An ECC Food Bank request form can be found at Click the “Food Pantry” tab under Support Services.
  • For ECC Counseling visit
  • To contact the bookstore, call 636-584-6737.
  •  For information on financial aid email