Friends of the Foundation Gala Raises More than $30,000 for Scholarships
Each year, the East Central College Foundation hosts its largest fundraiser to provide scholarships for students. In honor of East Central College’s 50th Anniversary, the 2019 Friends of the Foundation event was held at the Union City Auditorium on Friday, February 1.
“The auditorium is special place for the college,” said President Dr. Jon Bauer. “East Central College got its start in that building. Our first classes were held there back in 1969 before we had a campus to call home.”
History was a dominant theme at the Friends of the Foundation Gala.
“We had several interactive displays at the event,” said Angie Siebert. “It’s always enjoyable to see an old photo of someone you know or of an event that sparks a good memory.”
More than 200 people attended the annual gala, raising $32,150 for student scholarships.
“Every dollar committed to the Foundation helps strengthen our communities for all of us,” said Dr. Bauer, “and enhances the lives of our students forever. It is an economic and a human investment.”
The East Central College Foundation solicits and receives tax deductible gifts which are managed for the benefit of the college and its students. It is chartered as a non-profit 501 (c)3 organization for educational purposes.
Photo: Dr. Raymond and Brenda Ker, supporters of the East Central College Foundation, at the Friends of the Foundation Gala.