Tag: HSE

Robert Whitworth — Prioritizing Education Through AEL Program

September 16, 2021 | Campus News

With a full-time job, 17 grandkids, a wife working a full-time job and striving to build a new home, Robert Whitworth has his hands full.

And yet, here he is, challenging himself to earn his High School Equivalency (HSE) credential.

That’s why he enrolled in East Central College’s Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) HSE preparation class.

“I didn’t have a chance much when I was in high school,” Whitworth said. “The teachers here are a lot different. These teachers care.”

Whitworth, of Franklin County, makes time for class and learning while juggling his other commitments.

“This is kind of important to me,” he added.  “It’s a good program and they’re there to help you out a lot.”

Whitworth has a goal to take his High School Equivalency Test (HiSET) and earn his HSE by the time he retires within the next year.  He credits his teacher and tutors for keeping him motivated.

“I’m learning a lot. I’ll get my High School Equivalency, and I’ll have it when I retire,” he said. “I don’t know what I’ll do with it, but I’ll have it.”

When in class, Whitworth tries to work through new objectives on his own, but his instructor is there to help when necessary.

“You don’t learn if you don’t try,” he said.  “When I need help, my teacher is there to help me.”

“Robert is a perfect example of determination. With so many at home responsibilities, a full-time job, and a loving family, it is quite the choice to be made,” commented Lynette Williams, AEL instructor. “His efforts have not been in vain and his scores continue to excel. I congratulate him.”

“She’s been really great; a good teacher,” Whitworth added. “She makes me learn.”

Whitworth has a message for anyone who is considering a HSE preparation class through AEL.

“Every time is the right time to do it,” he said. “If you don’t have the time, you need to make the time.  It’s a good program and it’ll help you out a lot.”

To learn more about ECC’s AEL program, visit www.eastcentral.edu/ael/

State Director to Speak at AEL Graduation

May 4, 2021 | Campus News

The East Central College Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) Graduation Ceremony speaker will be Shelly Lamb, the director of the state AEL services.

The graduation ceremony will be Thursday, May 13, at 6 p.m. in the gym located in the Donald Shook Student Center. The ceremony will recognize 2020 and 2021 graduates, according to Alice Whalen, AEL director at ECC.

Lamb, with the Office of College and Career Readiness for the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), works directly with federal and state leaders, as well as local AEL programs, to expand the educational opportunities for adults in Missouri.

“A goal of the AEL program is for adults to acquire the basic skills necessary to become more employable, productive and responsible citizens,” Said Whalen.

Lamb is also responsible for overseeing the High School Equivalency (HSE) Program which provides students an opportunity to obtain their HSE credential.

She began her career with DESE in 2017 as a supervisor for AEL, then moved to assistant director for HSE, and in August of 2020, she was promoted to director of AEL. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration and Computer Information Systems from William Woods University.

Lamb is married and is the mother of two adult daughters.

#InspiringExcellence – CNA/AEL Program Gives Second Chances, Changes Lives

August 17, 2018 | Campus News Inspiring Excellence

Healthcare was always a field of interest for Pacific resident Heather Delisi. “My mother and my aunt were both Certified Nurse Assistants,” she explained. “It’s something I grew up with.”

The drive to help people in need is what led Kayla Jenkins to healthcare. “I want to become a nurse. I want to help new moms and take care of new babies,” the Union resident said.

Both had something standing in their way – no high school diploma.

“I dropped out when I was 16,” Delisi explained. “At the time, I was following my fiancé to a new state.”

She is now 36, and decided it was time to finish what she started.

“I wanted to show my kids I could do it,” she said. “I want to set a good example.”

Jenkins left high school her senior year. She admits bad influences got in the way of her education. Nearly seven years later, she made a very important phone call.

“I called my old high school about getting my diploma, and they told me about a local program for people just like me,” she said. “I have a daughter now, and I need a career – not just a job.”

Both landed at the East Central College Adult Education and Literacy Program and enrolled in the Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) program. It is designed to prepare individuals to care for clients in long-term care facilities, hospitals and home health agencies. The innovative program consists of 75 hours of classroom training and 100 hours of supervised clinical training. It also includes 100 hours preparation for the high school equivalency exam.

“After looking into the program, I was ready. I said ‘let’s do this,’” said Jenkins.

“I was tired of just sitting at home,” said Delisi. “I admit I was a little terrified starting the program. I had no idea what to expect.”

Her fears quickly went away once the program got underway. “The class sizes were small. It made me so much more comfortable,” she said.

Terri Warmack leads the CNA program. As the Health Careers Workforce Coordinator, she knows the program can be a life-changing experience for many.

“This program is about second chances,” she said. “It’s about taking that first step to a new life. Certified Nurse Assistants are vital to healthcare. It’s a rewarding, exciting and challenging career where you can make a difference every day.”

“Terri is a great teacher,” said Delisi. “She’s like another mom. She relates to us. We laugh together. We cry together.”

Betsy Williams is also in the classroom. As an AEL instructor, she is helping the class prepare to get their high school equivalency.

“Betsy is all about discipline,” Delisi joked. “She keeps on us to make sure we stay the course.”

The combination is working. In August, Jenkins and Delisi passed the final exam to become a Certified Nurse Assistant through the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. They will now both finish their High School Equivalency in the coming weeks.

“Once this is over, I plan to get a job and take a break,” said Jenkins, “but it’s not over. I want to keep going.”

“It feels so good to prove so many people wrong,” said Delisi. “I want to keep proving people wrong and become a registered nurse.”

The next CNA/AEL starts in September. Students must be 18 years of age at the start of the program. For more information: 636-584-6531, Terri.Warmack@EastCentral.edu.