Testing Center Recertified, Maintaining National Recognition

July 18, 2024 | Campus News

The East Central College Testing Center has once again demonstrated its commitment to excellence by being recertified by the National College Testing Association (NCTA).

This prestigious achievement is a testament to the rigorous NCTA Professional Standards and Guidelines, designed to ensure the highest quality testing programs at post-secondary institutions. This recertification is valid for five years and can be renewed upon continued compliance with national standards.

Windy Souders, Testing Services Coordinator, along with her dedicated team, Kalyn Meyer, Testing Center Specialist, and Gwendaylyn Betser, Testing Center Clerk, have maintained high standards in test administration and provided exceptional service to a diverse range of students and community members.

The Testing Center first received NCTA certification in 2019 after an extensive 18-month review process. The criteria for certification are based on the NCTA Professional Standards and Guidelines, which guide post-secondary test centers in delivering quality testing programs.

For more information about the numerous testing services provided by the ECC Testing Center, please contact 636-584-6550 or visit www.eastcentral.edu/testing-center. The Testing Center operates within the ECC Learning Center.

The NCTA, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting professionalism and high-quality service in the administration of testing programs, offers certification to college and university test centers that demonstrate exemplary practices. NCTA membership includes over 2,200 testing professionals from 650 colleges and universities, as well as 50 test companies and organizations offering test-related products and services. For more information, visit www.ncta-testing.org.