Abigail Kleekamp Earns First WINGS ECC Scholarship
East Central College graduate Abigail Kleekamp is the recipient of the inaugural WINGS (Washington’s Investment in Great Schools) Educational Foundation ECC Scholarship.
Kleekamp, from Washington, graduated Summa Cum Laude from ECC in May with an Associate of Arts degree and was a member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. This fall, she will attend St. Louis University to study Criminology and Pre-Law. Plans call for the $1,000 Scholarship to be offered annually.
Kleekamp was an Early College Academy student, attending classes at both ECC and Washington High School for the past two years. She holds cherished memories of her time with the WHS Band.
“I have so many great and amazing memories from my time in band, from winning competitions to making lasting longtime friends from this experience,” she said. “Being able to perform at football games was always fun as it got the student section and cheerleaders involved as well, which gave a positive atmosphere for the football season.”
During the ECC Class of 2024 Commencement, Dr. Jon Bauer, college president, highlighted Kleekamp’s achievements as an ECA student—graduating from both high school and college and actively participating in both communities.
“When Dr. Bauer mentioned me in his speech, I was very shocked because I had no idea that it was coming,” she commented. “I got very emotional because I thought it wasn’t a big deal, the accomplishments that I had just completed, but now I know that my accomplishments were a big deal if Dr. Bauer himself thought that they were.”
Memorable Faculty
Kleekamp noted that she enjoyed every class taught by Matthew Gifford, philosophy and religion instructor at ECC.
“I had taken all three of the classes that he teaches in Union during this past fall and spring semesters, and I did not regret it,” she added. “He made teaching fun and enjoyable, and I looked forward to his classes each week because of all the funny things that he says.”
Kleekamp said she learned a lot from Gifford about the subject matter of each class and life lessons she’ll carry with her.
“Getting the students involved in the lesson allows them to remember the topic of discussion better, and that is what Matthew Gifford did for me, and he will continue to do it for his other students.”
WMS Instructor
Kleekamp also made lasting memories in her 7th-grade history class, taught by Ben Hornback.
“He made class fun for his students — we went outside to make a spray-painted map of the world that included all of the major history moments that we had talked about,” she remembered. “Mr. Hornback was a very approachable teacher, and he would always help me with anything that I was struggling with.”
The WINGS Educational Foundation ECC Scholarship will be awarded to a student who attended school in the Washington School District and graduated from ECC. Applications, submitted anonymously, are reviewed by the College president, who makes the final selection.
To learn more about the ECC Foundation and scholarship opportunities, visit www.eastcentral.edu/foundation/new-scholarships-endowments/.