ECC Votes
Campus Life and Leadership values the civic responsibility of being an informed, consistent voter, and therefore wants to aid students in preparing for any upcoming elections. This page is for informational purposes only, is non-partisan, and should serve only as a starting point for students to begin their voter registration process.
Register to Vote
To become a registered voter, you must be at least 17 ½ years old before registering. To vote in any Missouri election, you must:
• Be 18 years old by Election Day
• Be a United States citizen
• Be a Missouri resident
• Not be on probation after conviction for a felony or misdemeanor connected with voting or the right of others to vote.
Missouri residents can learn more about voter registration by visiting the Missouri Secretary of State’s Register to Vote webpage.
Check your Voter Registration
If you think you are registered to vote, and/or have moved since you registered to vote, you may only need to confirm your registration and possibly update your address. You can check your voter registration by visiting Missouri Secretary of State’s Voter Lookup webpage.
Locate your Polling Site
The Missouri Secretary of State has a Voter Outreach Center that allows you to locate your polling site, find upcoming elections and view candidates and their issues, and view the current districts. To locate any of this information, visit the online Missouri’s Voter Outreach Center.
What to bring on Election Day
To vote in the state of Missouri, a registered voter needs one of the following forms of identification:
- A Missouri-issued Driver or Non-Driver license, United States Passport, or Military ID.
- A secondary form of identification, such as a paycheck or bank statement, that, when provided, will require you to sign a statement confirming your identity.
If you cannot provide a form of identification but you are a registered voter, you may be permitted to cast a provisional ballot.
Vote by Absentee Ballot
If you are a Missouri resident, you can learn more about voting absentee by visiting Missouri Secretary of State’s Absentee Voting webpage.
If you are a Missouri resident, you can also request a Missouri Absentee Ballot here.
For residents of any other state, you can request your absentee ballot through
Mailed or faxed absentee ballot requests must be received by the appropriate election authority no later than 5 PM on the second Wednesday prior to any election.
Know your Voter Rights
You have protected rights as a voter in elections. It’s important to know these ahead of any election. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has compiled a webpage of your voting rights that you can view here.