ECC Alumni Association

ECC Alumni Association benefits include:         

  • Job skills workshops and resources
  • Networking opportunities
  • Social events

Not everyone who attends East Central College receives a diploma, but we hear many people say, “I would not be where I am today if it had not been for ECC”. If you have attended a class at East Central College, you are invited to be a part of the ECC Alumni Association. 

East Central College’s Alumni program is open to any former ECC student. The program provides opportunities for fun and fellowship for alumni. Several fundraisers each year are used to support an annual scholarship along with various enrichment activities on campus.

For more information about the ECC Alumni Association:
call 636-584-6506 or email

 Additional Alumni Resources:

Your experience with East Central doesn’t have to end when you graduate.  Whether you are transferring to a 4-year institution, or looking to enter the workforce, East Central has resources to help. ECC Career Services is a resource center to help you explore career opportunities, develop job-seeking skills, identify potential employers, and effectively use the Career Advising Office.

Need a copy of your East Central College transcript? Visit our Request Transcript page.