Ways to Support

A Financial Gift

Gifts of resources are vital to the continuing success of ECC. We believe every donation makes a difference. When combined with the gifts of others, your support enables us to change lives.

Gift Opportunities:

  • Outright Gift – Any donation given to the Foundation to directly benefit our students and programs.
    • Given annually or just once
    • Used to set up an endowment – a permanent gift
    • Designated by you for a specific purpose
    • Customized to fit your passion
  • Tribute Gift – Any donation given to the Foundation to honor or remember family members, friends, co-workers or other loved ones, as well as gifts celebrating those individuals achieving life milestones.
  • Event Gift – Any donation given to the Foundation through one of our fundraisers to benefit our students and programs. These can be given to purchase:
    • Tickets
    • Sponsorships
    • Other event-related items
  • Planned Gift – A donation made in a lifetime or at death as part of a donor’s overall financial and/or estate planning. These include:
    • Bequests
    • Real Estate
    • Life Insurance
    • Securities
    • Retirement Plan Assets
    • Savings Bonds