Month: December 2017

Fall 2017 President’s List Announced

December 20, 2017 | Campus News Inspiring Excellence

Each semester, East Central College recognizes students who have demonstrated exemplary academic achievement.

Upon completion of at least 12 fall semester credit hours with a semester grade point average of 3.85 or greater, students are acknowledged on the President’s List. More than 115 students made the list!

Fall 2017 Vice President’s List Announced

December 20, 2017 | Campus News Inspiring Excellence

Each semester, East Central College recognizes students who have demonstrated superior academic achievement.

Upon completion of at least 12 semester credit hours with a semester grade point between 3.50 and 3.84, students are acknowledged by placement on the Vice President’s List. For the Fall 2017 semester, there were more than 180 students on the list!

East Central College Foundation Awards Mini-Grants

December 19, 2017 | Campus News Inspiring Excellence

Each year, the East Central College Foundation awards mini-grants to scholastic departments and programs through The Albert C. Buescher Memorial. In 2017, seven awards were given to help support various initiatives.

The Learning Center was awarded a mini-grant to implement online math and science tutoring through the purchase of Boogie Board Sync.

“This e-writer can be linked to a computer and a whiteboard app,” said Learning Center Specialist Alison Tucker. “Tutors will be able to communicate more effectively with students.”

The Learning Center was also awarded a mini-grant to purchase anatomical models for students and tutors to use.

The Financial Aid Department was awarded a mini-grant in order to purchase a printer and supplies for the new Veterans Lounge in the Donald Shook Student Center.

“The veteran students are very appreciative of the printer,” said Financial Aid Advisor Lorrie Baird. “They sometimes have long stretches between classes and the lounge is a quiet place for them to retreat and do their homework.  It is inconvenient for some of the students to complete an assignment and then go over to the Learning Center or Library to print out the work.”

The Theatre Program was awarded a mini-grant for much needed video equipment, lighting, microphones and other items as learning tools for students.

“We recently used the equipment to film I Love New York” (photo), said Theatre Director Grace Austin. “It’s been very helpful for them to be able to view their work on stage.”

A mini-grant is being used to help support the East Central College Career and Transfer Fair in the spring semester.

The Civic Engagement Committee was awarded a mini-grant to host a month of service event for students, staff and faculty.

“Our goal is to provide students, faculty and staff opportunities for personal growth,” explained Communications Instructor Shanee Haynes. “We want to give them a sense of social responsibility.”

The English Department will use its mini-grant to create a writing contest for area high school students.

“The project started as a way to get local schools involved with the college and a way to get them excited for writing,” said ECC English Instructor Josh Stroup. “We are very thankful to the Foundation for helping get this idea off the ground and to help connect us and our programs to the community.”

Education Instructor Receives Emerson Excellence in Teaching Award

December 19, 2017 | Campus News Inspiring Excellence

There is no formula for a “perfect teacher.” It’s a message East Central College Education Instructor Greg Stotler delivers to his students every semester.

“As teachers, we strive to be the best we can and know our limitations,” he explained. “Flexibility is key.  No class is the same. Teaching takes a tremendous amount of skill in listening and evaluating.”

It’s also important to have a sense of humor. “Good” teachers, Stotler argues, are not afraid to laugh at themselves or with their students.

“If I had to designate one requirement for teachers it would be the ability to laugh.  Life is funny.  Some days it may come in the form of joy and others it may come in the form of irony or even discomfort.  Laughter helps us survive.”

Stotler practices what he preaches. It’s one of the many reasons he is such a valuable resource to students. It’s also one of the reasons he was awarded the Emerson Excellence in Teaching Award in 2017 – an annual recognition of educators in the St. Louis area who are examples of excellence in their field.

According to his nomination form (which is kept anonymous), “Greg Stotler provides a positive and comfortable classroom environment that empowers students to ask questions freely. He consistently engages his students in a manner that forces them to think outside their comfort zone in order to connect their understanding of concepts to their experiences.”

It added that his teaching is not limited to just the classroom. Stotler can often be found around campus engaging students in activities. He continuously pushes students to access their full potential and to test their limits.

Stotler credits his success in education to his upbringing.

“I went into teaching because I was surrounded by amazing teachers, family, friends and colleagues in and outside school,” he said. “A countless number of people believed in me and always supported my path.  Those people knew when to push me and knew when I needed guidance, always demonstrating that life is not a solitary endeavor.”

He brings that mentality to the classroom every day.

“I love preparing students for one of their first ‘teaching’ roles through our coursework.  During this experience, a wonderful combination of nervousness and excitement resonates from the students,” he said.

#InspiringExcellence – East Central College Student Wins State Music Competition

December 12, 2017 | Campus News Inspiring Excellence

Reflecting back to his second-grade years, Ethan Stahl remembers his love for Nickelodeon.

“The Naked Brothers Band was my favorite show. It was the coolest thing to me back then,” he explained. “It inspired me to form a band with one of my pals.”

After a promising start, the band eventually fell apart due to creative differences. While Ethan didn’t end up a rock star, he did come away from the experience with something more meaningful – his love for piano.

“It’s a place I go in my head, and the escape that it provides is fantastic,” he explained. “I also just love the process of making a piece of music fulfill its potential.”

He’s taken his passion for the piano to East Central College, where he is studying piano performance and music theory. “The nuances of playing the piano have become so complex and full of such detailed characteristics that it has become an entire world for me,” he said.

In November, he got to put his skills to the test at the Missouri Music Teachers Association (MMTA) annual competition. It was his first competitive event, and he admits it started off a bit rocky.

“I didn’t get a chance to soak much of it in,” he said. “I was terribly sick the whole time.”

Despite his ailment, he pushed forward. It was a good thing he did.

Ethan took home first place in the Collegiate Honors Audition Lower Division for freshmen and sophomores. He competed against students from community colleges and four-year institutions across the state.

“When I performed, I knew I played well,” he admitted, “but I made a major fumble at the end. I assumed botched the whole thing. I left with a less-than-lukewarm feeling, which contributed to my surprise at the results!”

Ethan plans to transfer to a four-year university after East Central College and continue his studies in music.

Student Artwork to Appear in New York City Art Gallery

December 4, 2017 | Art Campus News

Seven East Central College students will soon have their artwork displayed in a New York City art gallery.

“Any time our students can show work it is important,” said Adam Watkins, fine and performing arts program coordinator. “It is exposure on one hand and a resume builder on the other.”

It is part of the Postcards from the Edge exhibit, a display of nearly 1400 postcard-sized pieces of art from internationally renowned and emerging artists. The identity of the artist is revealed only after the work is purchased. All proceeds go to the Visual AIDS organization –a group who utilizes art to fight AIDS by provoking dialogue, supporting HIV+ artists and preserving a legacy.

“Participating in this charity is important to me because it helps artists who suffer from the disease get back on their feet,” said student Kyle Herbert. “My postcard design was a golden skeleton on top of a coffin. I called it ‘Rebirth.’ I chose this image to give support to the other artists who suffer from the disease.”

Mary Sleeper took a different approach with her postcard. “My postcard was a photograph of a car mirror that says ‘OBJECTS IN THE MIRROR ARE LOSING.’ Whatever seems to be a problem, you just have to keep driving, keep going and overcome your problems.”

A local landmark helped spur the idea for Danika Donatti’s postcard. “My design is the St. Louis Arch with a sunset in the background. My goal is to show how widespread this project is and that every artist in the world wants to make a positive impact.”

Last year, the exhibit raised more than $94,000. Student Travis Fischer hopes his contribution can help make a difference this year.

“One of the most important things someone can do in this world is support people in need,” he said. “In the end, my hope in helping out one person, or one group, is that they can be in a healthier place in life.”

Students Azusa Lloyd and Kiersten Engel, as well as Watkins, are also submitting artwork to the exhibit. It will all be on display January 19-21 at Gallery 524 in New York City.

Board of Trustees Election Set for April 3, 2018

December 4, 2017 | Campus News

Two trustees for the East Central College Board of Trustees will be elected on April 3, 2018, for terms of six years each.

One trustee shall be elected from sub-district one, which includes the school districts of Crawford County R-1 (Bourbon), Sullivan C-2, Strain-Japan R-16, Spring Bluff R-15, Franklin County R-2, New Haven, and the portions of Lyon and Boone Townships as well as the Beaufort-Union precinct in the Union R-11 School District.  Also included in sub-district one are the portion of the Boeuf and Lyon Townships in the Washington School District.

One trustee shall be elected from sub-district two, which includes the school districts of Lonedell R-14, St. Clair R-13, and Union R-11 excluding the Lyon and Boone Township portion of Union R-11 and that portion located in the Beaufort-Union precinct.

Trustees are elected by voters in the college district at large.  A candidate for the board must be a citizen of the United States, at least 21 years of age, a voter of the district for at least one year preceding the election and a resident of the sub-district for which he or she files for at least one year preceding the election.  A candidate must not have been convicted of or pled guilty to a felony or misdemeanor under the federal laws of the United States; must not be delinquent in the payment of any state income taxes, personal property taxes, municipal taxes, real property taxes on the place of residence (as stated on the declaration of candidacy); and must not be a past or present corporate officer of any fee office that owes any taxes to the state.

Declarations of candidacy may be filed with Bonnie Gardner, Executive Assistant to the President, during normal business hours from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday in the President’s Office (BH254), located in Buescher Hall, East Central College, 1964 Prairie Dell Road, Union, MO, 63084.  Filing will open at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, December 12, 2017, and will close on Tuesday, January 16, 2018 at 5 p.m.   Please note that candidates filing on the first day of filing will be listed on the ballot in random order.  The College will be closed from 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 20, 2017 through Monday, January 1, 2018 and will reopen on Tuesday, January 2, 2018.  The College will also be closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, January 15, 2018.