New Online Workforce Training Available for AEL Students
Students preparing to pass the High School Equivalency Test through the East Central College Adult Education and Literacy program will now get a new opportunity to strengthen their workforce skills.
“In September, we started offering new, online training programs for our students,” said Alice Whalen, Director of Adult Education and Literacy. “These courses allow students to gain the knowledge needed for high-demand jobs in the area.”
There are currently 15 new online workforce training options, ranging from advanced manufacturing to safety technician to child development associate. Two additional on-site classes, Introduction to MIG Welding and Certified Nursing Assistant, are also available to AEL students.
“The courses are self-paced,” said Whalen. “The classes are a great compliment to our students preparing for the HiSET or learning English as a second language.”
Right now, the classes are not free. However, Whalen says many adult students may be eligible for substantial financial assistance through AEL’s partnerships with the Missouri Job Centers in Rolla and Washington. Scholarships may also be available.