Pun and Meme Student Contest – September 25

September 22, 2019 | Campus News

Join us for some fun puns and silly memes at Pundememium on September 25 from 12 – 2:30 p.m. in Cafe Central! The pun and meme competition is open to all students enrolled at East Central College.

Pundememium consists of two competitions: Pun Pro and Meme Master.

Pun Pro

This competition is limited to 15 contestants. Contestants can pre-register here by September 20 with your name, preferred time (30 minute slots between 12 – 2:30) and T-shirt size. Students may also register the day of the event beginning at 11:30 a.m. in Cafe Central.

Participants are asked to create and share original work that incorporates as many puns related to one specific topic or theme. The work must be original! Contestants are encouraged to memorize their work, but they can read from notes or flashcards if needed. Costumes are optional (but encouraged!).

The performance should be between 60 – 90 seconds. There is a ten-second grace period for those who go over the 90-second limit. Participants who go past the grace period will be disqualified.

A panel of ECC faculty and staff will rate each performance on a 10-point scale. The highest and lowest scores will be thrown out, and the remaining scores will be added together for the overall total.

All contestants will receive a Pundememium T-Shirt. Other prizes will be awarded to the top three performers.

Meme Master

No advance registration is required for this event. There will be approximately ten rounds, and each round is its own competition! You can stay for as many rounds as you want.

Students will be shown an image. Then, they will have one minute to write text that corresponds to the visual. Judges will collect the captions, review them and share the top three memes submitted each round. The winner of each round will a prize!

Winners of the individual rounds will then compete in the final round. The top three memes will receive a special prize.

NOTE: Winners who cannot stay for the final round may complete an on-site absentee meme. Additionally, students who cannot make it to the competition can still compete! Between September 18 – 24, students can stop by the Student Government Office, the library, the English Department (HH 251), and pick up a worksheet that contains six images. Email your completed form with your best meme work to eccstudentactivities@gmail.com by 10 a.m. on Wednesday, September 25.


The event is sponsored by the ECC Faculty Association, Student Government Association, English Department and Library.