Nursing Students Receive Phelps Health Scholarships

February 2, 2021 | Campus News

Three second-year East Central College Rolla nursing students recently received scholarships from Phelps Health because of their dedication to their field of study.

Summer Thorp-Lancaster, Mallory Fox and Brittany Smith each received $2,000.

“The scholarship really helped cover the extra fees associated with the program and graduation,” explained Smith.

“This scholarship makes a huge difference. The books add up, and for the nursing program we have uniforms and supplies we have to buy so it’s a huge weight off our shoulders and makes it so we don’t have to work an extra 40 hours to pay for that,” added Thorp-Lancaster.

“There is a physical relief in receiving that help because it means I can step back from that extra shift at work,” Fox said.

Phelps Health distributes these scholarships to Registered Nursing, Licensed Practical Nursing and Allied Health students. Each scholarship candidate must complete an application and complete an interview. The committee who picks the scholarship winners base their decisions on several key factors.

“The decision is based on items such as goal to remain local to the area, overall interaction with the committee, promptness for the interview, does the committee feel the applicant possesses the characteristics needed for health care and several other areas” said Crystal Lorah, manager of auxiliary and volunteer services at Phelps Health.

Local Scholarship 

This local scholarship helps students, who in turn help the community. Fox and Smith currently work at Phelps Health and are dedicated to staying there after graduation to continue to help their community.

“I like that it’s coming from my community and I can put it right back into the community” explained Smith.

“It felt like a reward from our employer,” Fox said.

“It is really hard to work full-time and in knowing that they are investing in us so we can get our education and further our time with Phelps Health is a big plus for this scholarship” she added.

While Thorp-Lancaster has not made a final decision yet on where she will be after graduating with her Associate of Arts in nursing, she feels called towards the labor and delivery unit but has recently also become very interested in the emergency room and the medical surgery floor. She will be exploring her options for getting her bachelor’s degree as well.

Perfect Fit

Nursing program coordinator and nursing instructor Laura McDonald thinks these women were a perfect fit for this scholarship.

“All three of them are very dedicated to safe quality patient care and being successful professional registered nurses. They are incredibly driven to succeed,” McDonald said.

McDonald taught these students in their first year of the nursing program and continues to advise them now in their second year. She sees a very bright future for each of these students.

“These are very well deserved and appropriate scholarships for these women. They are always willing to step up and help. They stay focused on their goals and will make a huge impact in our community.”