Students Encouraged to Download Aviso App

Students Encouraged to Download Aviso App

August 24, 2020 |

East Central College students have help at their fingertips to keep them on track to meet their educational goals.

Aviso is a an app for mobile devices designed for students to communicate with their advisors and a success coach, part of the the team that supports them on their journey at ECC.

Within Aviso, students can see their schedule, attendance, midterm grades, advisor, success coach, instructor names and more. Through the app, it is easy to make an appointment or email any member of the student’s team without needing to search for contact information.

While instructors are a key component to success, advisors, success coaches and tutors also are invested in students’ success.

Through Aviso, students and their success team will get notifications for high and/or low midterm grades, or if attendance is not where it needs to be to be successful.

Students can set appointments with an advisor, success coach and instructors (if they have activated that feature).

In addition, advisors, financial aid, coaches or instructors may send tasks that need to be completed with links. For instance, if a student is eligible for a scholarship, an advisor might send a task with the link to complete the application.

Visit the Aviso Information Page at  on the Student Section of the website

Click below to download the app: