Spanish Courses

SPN 101 Elementary Spanish I
Prerequisite: None

An introduction to the essential grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation of Spanish. Emphasis upon the development of pivotal skills; listening comprehension, speaking, reading and writing, and cultural awareness. This course is conducted in Spanish as much as possible.

SPN 102 Elementary Spanish II
Prerequisite: SPN 101, minimum grade C or 2 years high school Spanish.

A continuation of SPN 101 that completes the introduction to essential structures and further develops pivotal communication skills. Course conducted in Spanish as far as practicable.

SPN 201 Intermediate Spanish I
Prerequisite: SPN 102, minimum grade C or 4 years of high school Spanish.

An intermediate course that systematically reviews basic grammar and introduces complex structures; incorporates reading of authentic texts-both cultural and literary; and refines conversation and listening comprehension skills.

SPN 202 Intermediate Spanish II
Prerequisite: SPN 201, minimum grade C

An intermediate course which continues basic grammar review and introduces complex structures; incorporates reading of authentic texts--both cultural and literary; and refines conversation and listening comprehension skills.

SPN 270 I.S.-Spanish
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor

A specialized program of study directly related to the department's area of expertise. The course is arranged between a faculty member and student and takes into consideration the needs, interests and background of the student.

SPN 280 Special Topics-Spanish
Prerequisite: None

Courses are offered to accommodate special interests of students and/or faculty. Typically, the course will cover new material not currently contained in the curriculum at ECC.