Instructional Assessment
At the center of all assessment at East Central College is a desire to improve student learning. Effective assessment strategies at ECC are centered on the systematic collection of information about student learning experiences from multiple, diverse sources. Focused, contextualized study of these items can produce meaningful discussion regarding the effectiveness of the instruction, curriculum, resources, programs, and services provided to students.
Committee Mission, Purpose and Structure
The Instructional Assessment Committee (IAC) is dedicated to building a culture of assessment at ECC by engaging the college community in learner-centered assessment at the course, program/department, and institutional levels.
The IAC commits to
- work collaboratively to identify and develop assessment best practices
- serve as assessment liaisons who provide expertise and encouragement to colleagues
- promote the goals of assessment within and across departments
The committee provides guidance and assistance in the implementation of the institutional assessment plan by
- coordinating assessment of the Institutional Student Learning Outcomes
- developing and maintaining comprehensive review processes and schedules
- providing faculty and staff development related to the various levels of assessment
- aligning assessment practices with the college’s strategic plan and budgetary process
The committee coordinates assessment processes for curricular and cocurricular learning outcomes, which involves
- establishing learning outcomes to be measured
- selecting and/or creating measurement instruments
- determining measurement criteria
- using the data to generate changes for improvement
- communicating to divisions on matters related to assessment
- continually assessing the effectiveness of the learning outcomes and our processes
The work of the Instructional Assessment committee is divided into the following subcommittees, which oversee specific work that supports the varied assessment endeavors across the Division of Academic Affairs. These subcommittees collaborate to ensure all components of academic assessment are systematic.
- Comprehensive Review (Program/Discipline)
- Annual Assessment Reporting and Planning
- Cocurricular Assessment
- Institutional Student Learning Outcomes
Committee Members
A faculty-led Instructional Assessment Committee guides the work of assessment for student learning, provides support to faculty and staff, and reviews departmental assessment plans and reports. The committee requires representation from across academic divisions and departments that support student learning. IAC membership is voluntary with faculty positions fulfilled by the faculty committee selection process.
In addition to the representative faculty, the Instructional Assessment Committee also includes the Director of Early College and Admissions; the Director of Campus Life and Leadership; and representatives from Academic Support Services, Online Learning and Educational Technology, Institutional Research, Academic Advising, and Library Services.
Ex Officio members
- Academic Dean
- Vice President of Academic Affairs
- Executive Director of Institutional Effectiveness
- Recording Secretary
AY22-23 Instructional-Assessment Committee Roster
Instructional Assessment Committee By-Laws
Institutional Student Learning Outcomes (ISLO)
Institutional Student Learning Outcomes (ISLOs) include general skills, knowledge, or applications which students are expected to demonstrate after completing a program of study. The goal of assessing ISLOs is to help improve our courses, curriculum, student success, instruction and/or services. The ongoing process of student outcomes assessment also serves as evidence for institutional planning, resource allocation, and staff and faculty development.
- Critical Thinking – Students will be able to integrate knowledge for creating solutions to novel challenges.
- Communication – Students will be able to effectively express ideas and exchange knowledge in multiple ways.
- Social Responsibility – Students will demonstrate an understanding of social responsibility.
- Personal and Professional Development – Students will take responsibility for their personal and professional development.
ISLO Statements and Performance Indicators Approved 02-21-20