Month: December 2016

ECC Helps Those in Need this Holiday Season

December 20, 2016 | Campus News

Even with the end of the semester coming to a close and final exams on the minds of many, East Central College students and staff took time to hold charity drives this holiday season.

“It doesn’t seem to matter what time of the year it is,” said ECC President Dr. Jon Bauer, “our students and staff find ways to help those in need. They have big hearts.”

The ECC Psychology Club held a toy drive this year. Donations were given to Lutheran Family and Children’s Services. This year, students gathered gifts for children age three to 18 including puzzles, stuffed animals, sports equipment, gift cards and more.

“After successfully collecting hundreds of pounds of food for the Union Food Pantry in October, we decided to tackle the holiday season as well,” said club advisor, Dr. Wendy Pecka, “We chose the Lutheran Family and Children’s Services because one of our club members found out that they needed Christmas presents.”

The student nurses took an international approach this year. They collected bars of soap for Honduras.

“The Washington Overseas Mission is a local group who takes a humanitarian and medical mission trip to Honduras annually. One of the medical physicians there said ‘soap is like medicine in Honduras,’” explained Associate Professor of Nursing, Judy Bieker. “Promoting health and wellness is a goal for every nurse, so hosting the soap drive fit perfectly with that mission.”

The Student Government Association (SGA) displayed an “angel tree” outside its office in December. Students were asked to choose an ornament with a gift idea written down, then bring the gift back to the tree after it was wrapped.

“Our student leaders always jump at the opportunity to help local families,” said Student Activities Coordinator Courtney Henrichsen. “This year was no different!”

Speaking of wrapping presents, The Learning Center took that burden off the shoulders of faculty and staff. For Pamela Peterson, it was a welcomed service.

“I literally took almost every gift I had for them to wrap,” she explained. “It was worth every penny!”

The Learning Center also held a Christmas craft sale. All the proceeds benefited its scholarship fund.

Holiday Hours for the Learning Center, Student Services and ECC Bookstore…

December 15, 2016 | Campus News

In view of the upcoming holiday break, please see the adjusted hours of various areas on campus, the week of December 19 – December 21:

  • The Learning Center  
    • Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday: Open during the hours of  7:30 am – 4:30 pm
  • The Student Service Center
    • Monday and Tuesdays:  Closing at 6:00 pm
    • Wednesday:  Closing at 4:30 pm
  • The Bookstore
    • Monday:  Closing at 7:00 pm
    • Tuesday:  Closing at 6:00 pm
    • Wednesday:  Closing at 4:30 pm

LPN to RN Bridge Program Offers Unique Path to Success

December 14, 2016 | Campus News

Courtney Smith has juggled her family life with her working life for years. In 2015, she decided to add even more to her plate – she started her journey to become a Registered Nurse through the LPN to RN Bridge Program at ECC. It’s something she realized she wanted to be after a memorable experience when she was pregnant with her son.

“This nurse was spectacular. She was my advocate and my comedic relief,” Smith said, “I can’t say enough about her.”

While the Bridge program is challenging, it caters to working students and students with families.

“It is designed to provide students who hold a Missouri Licensed Practical Nurse license the educational mobility to complete the RN classes in a format that specifically meets their needs,” said ECC Nursing and Allied Health Division Chair Robyn Walter.

On Tuesday, Dec. 13, Smith became one of 18 student nurses in the ECC Bridge Class of 2016 who were awarded their pin for nursing. “This has been a long road coming,” said Smith.

Another student, Kathryn Cervantes, was inspired by her mother to become a nurse. “She brought my siblings and me to the long-term care facility where she worked many times, and I saw how much the residents loved her,” she said.

For Cervantes, nursing has become a family tradition. “ECC taught my two older sisters and me to be excellent nurses. I feel so blessed to have learned from the incredible women that run this program,” she said.

Jessica Steele, meanwhile, has been involved with nursing for the past 13 years. “I became a LPN in 2003 because I wanted to help people, along with my need to feed, house and clothe my two sons,” Steele explained. “I earned other healthcare degrees in 2006, 2009 and 2012. In 2014, my husband and I moved to Rolla where I began my pursuit of a degree to become a RN.”

Steele believes she speaks for all the LPN to RN Bridge Program students when describing the pinning ceremony.

“It’s a tangible symbol of all the hard work and late hours that have guided us on this amazing journey,” Steele said.

The ECC Bridge Ceremony was held at the John Edson Anglin Performing Arts Center at the ECC Union campus. At the event, student Jessica Steele won the Outstanding Student Award. Karissa Rollins won the Clinical Excellence Award.

Doughnuts for Donations at ECC-Rolla

December 13, 2016 | Campus News ECC Rolla

Never underestimate the power of a sugary ring of dough. That’s the lesson nursing students at ECC-Rolla learned raising funds for charity this holiday season.

“The students had a pre-sale and took orders for the two weeks,” said Nursing Instructor Laura McDonald. “They also purchased additional doughnuts to sell in the commons.”

The response was overwhelming.

“Using just Krispy Kremes,” said McDonald, “they raised more than a thousand dollars!”

The funds raised went to help the Greater Rolla Area Charitable Enterprise, or G.R.A.C.E. The organization cares for the needs of those living in Edgar Springs, Newburg and Rolla School Districts who are in need of food or financial assistance to tide them over temporary difficulties.

Because of the success of the fundraiser, students were also able to buy new coats, gloves and hats to provide to elementary schools in Rolla, Salem, St. James, Cuba and Bourbon.

“It is a great feeling to know these students worked so hard to provide for two families with food and gift items, then to also provide ten coats to children throughout our local area.  I am very proud of the students and their effort to be able to help so many people,” said McDonald.

Board of Trustees Approves Equipment for Business and Industry Center

December 6, 2016 | Campus News

Programs housed in the new East Central College Business and Industry Center will soon have state-of-the-art equipment, after the Board of Trustees approved four recommendations at the December 5 meeting.

Three FlexMation II Robotic Systems Trainers from Rixan Associates and one LabVolt Pumps Training System from Innovative Education Systems were approved for purchase for the Industrial Engineering Technology Program.

“This equipment will deliver valuable, hands-on experience to our students,” said East Central College president Dr. Jon Bauer. “Plus, 75 percent of the cost is being reimbursed to the college through the state of Missouri’s Vocational Enhancement Grant program.”

Additionally, ten multiprocess welders from The Lincoln Electric Company and five TIG welders from OzarcGas Equipment and Supply were approved for purchase. The machines will be used by the Center for Workforce Development, Industrial Engineering Technology Program and the HVAC Program. They will be partially funded with USDA grant monies with the balance also reimbursed through Vocational Enhancement Grant funds.

“The new welding lab in the Business and Industry Center will provide short-term workforce training and support of other academic programs,” said Dr. Bauer. “We know from employers that a skilled workforce is the most critical need they face.  Our responsibility is to produce graduates who can meet this demand and contribute to raising the economic trajectory of our region.”

The purchase of Argon and Carbon Dioxide tanks and cylinders from Airgas was also approved for purchase at the meeting.

Three personnel recommendations were also accepted by Board of Trustees members. Dr. Djemoui Bouzidi will join the Physics Department as an instructor, Michelle Branton will start her role as Director of Developmental Education and Eric Clapper will become an Academic Advisor in January.

#InspiringExcellence – Students Named All-American Athletes for 2016!

December 5, 2016 | Campus News Inspiring Excellence

Two East Central College students can now say they are All-American athletes! Sophomore midfielder Jacob Moore was named to the NJCAA Division I Men’s Soccer All-American Second Team for the 2016 season, and sophomore setter Mackenzy Vedder was named an NJCAA Division II Women’s Volleyball Honorable Mention All-American.

Moore has been a catalyst to the Falcons’ success on the pitch for the past two years. During his tenure, the East Central College soccer team put together an impressive record of 26-9-2.

Individually, Moore became one of the all-time leaders in the ECC Soccer record books. He is tied for first on the all-time assist record with 24 in two years. As a goal scorer, he ranks third all-time with 32 total goals. During his sophomore campaign, with five fewer games on the season, he collected 17 goals and 10 assists. It topped his 2015 freshman season with 15 goals and 14 assists.

Additionally, Moore was named First Team All-Conference in the Missouri Community College Athletic Conference and First Team All-Region in 2016. During his freshman year, he collected Second Team All-Conference and Second Team All-Region honors. The Falcons finished 16-4-1 during his freshman year and were Region 16 runners-up for the second year in a row.

As Moore’s two years come to a close at East Central College, he plans on playing two more years of college soccer at a top level university. Currently, he is looking at Dayton University in the Atlantic 10 Conference to pursue his academic and athletic career goals.

Meanwhile, Vedder has been the assist provider for two winning seasons in a row for the Falcons. While captaining the ECC squad, the Falcons put together a 44-34 record in two seasons combined with help from Vedder.

As a setter, Vedder’s primary responsibility has been to set the offense into motion. Her single season assist total this fall at 984 ranks her fourth overall in the ECC record books. The two years she has spent at East Central College has put her third all-time in assists for a career with 1,906. During her freshman year, Vedder was named Second Team All-Region, but as a sophomore, she received First Team All-Region and First Team All-Conference honors. The Falcons finished the 2016 campaign as NJCAA Region 16 runner-ups to MCC-Longview.

Vedder plans on transferring to Missouri S & T to complete her degree in engineering. She also hopes to continue playing the sport she loves at the four year level, but studying comes first as she prioritizes her future plans.

#InspiringExcellence – Local Organization Helps Women in Need at East Central College

December 5, 2016 | Campus News Inspiring Excellence

Going to college can be a balancing act. For some women attending East Central College, juggling a full-time work schedule and a family can make it difficult. Financial burdens can also bring on added stress. With the help of the Philanthropic Education Organization (PEO) International Sisterhood, these women have a helping hand toward earning a degree.

Chapter NA of Franklin County serves local women by providing grants, scholarships and low-interest loans to those in financial emergencies. The group is one of many PEO Sisterhood chapters throughout the country and Canada.

As part of their local efforts, the group donated a thousand dollars to the East Central Financial Aid Department for the 2016-17 academic year. Student Financial Aid Director Karen Griffin hopes the funds will prevent local women from dropping out of school when facing a hardship.

“We are very excited to have access to these funds,” Griffin said. “We have very little resources available to help female students experiencing an emergency financial situation.”

Additionally, Chapter NA donated nearly 500 dollars to the ECC Adult Education and Literacy Program (AEL). They will allocate the grant among five vouchers for the HiSET exam (formerly the GED).  Women older than 24 years of age are eligible to receive a voucher.

Carol Rucker of Chapter NA is thankful to be a part of a group who gives back to the women of Franklin County.

We are looking forward to continuing these funds and are thrilled to be of assistance to local women in reaching their educational goals at East Central.”

Picture: Muffi Painter (PEO), Karen Griffin, Franklin the Falcon, Carol Rucker  and Letitia Marlow (PEO)

Winners Announced for ECC Writing Contest

December 2, 2016 | Campus News

The competition was fierce in the Annual Fiction and Creative Non-Fiction Writing Contest at East Central College.  Held by the English Department, it’s a chance for students to showcase their talents each year.

“I think it’s important for students to participate in writing contests,” said English instructor Josh Stroup. “They get a real audience to read their work, not just family or friends. We should celebrate writing, and this contest does just that.”

Each student was allowed a maximum of three entries, and each entry couldn’t be longer than 20 pages.

First place received $100, second place received $50 and third place received $25.

We are proud to announce the 2016 winners!

Fiction Winners:

  • First Place – Cory Pinta’s “The Final Rest Stop”
  • Second Place – Hannah Serafino’s “The Cares of War”
  • Third Place –  Jamie Foutch’s “The Glacier’s Sword”
  • Honorable Mention
    • Tatra Luke’s “The Witch and the Hare”
    • Garrett Cummins’ “Furthest Corners”
    • Nathan O’Rando’s “Impala”

Creative Non-Fiction Winners:

  • First Place – Dustin Triplett’s “The Knife Girl Chronicles”
  • Second Place – Millicent Worley’s “Lovell”
  • Third Place – Israel Neeley’s “Playing House”
  • Honorable Mention – Cory Pinta’s “The Demystification of a Dipsomaniac”

“If you see these people, please give them a round of applause.  They deserve it,” said Stroup. “On behalf of the English Department, I would like to thank all those who submitted to this contest. I also want to thank our judges, Patsy Watts, Linda Barro and Sue Henderson.”

There will be a special reading of the winners’ works on Thursday, December 8 from 10:30-11:45 a.m. in HH 286.

The English Department plans to hold its Poetry and Research Writing Contest this Spring.