Month: December 2020

Precision Machining Coordinator Recipient of Award

December 8, 2020 | Campus News

Curtis Elliott, Precision Machining program coordinator at East Central College, recently received the “Governor’s Award” from the Center for Workforce Development (CWD) for his work at a local manufacturer.

The award was presented to Elliott for “Outstanding Performance” after he completed a successful project with Klauber Machine and Gear (KMG), Pacific, to streamline efficiency and production.

Dr. Richard Hudanick, Dean of Career and Technical Education, said the efforts of Elliott and Dr. Edward Shelton, director for CWD at ECC, helped reduce waste and saved the manufacturer time and money.

“It is certainly an honor to work with Curtis and all the faculty in our advanced manufacturing center,” he said.  “I knew great efforts were coming to fruition at Klauber I just didn’t realize how big the impact would be.”

According to Elliott, the applied American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) is the standard needed at Klauber.

“This immediately improved efficiency and production.,” he said. “Due to the nature of the manufacturing processes Mastercam training was a big part of the plan as well.”

“Overall, I am really happy with the project outcome,” Elliott added. “The reduction in waste and improved production process reduced the lead-time from 12 weeks to two — the company has had its best production report due to this project in its history.”

Elliott’s award was presented following a visit to Klauber by Gov. Mike Parson in October.

CWD Faculty/Staff

Hudanick added that Elliott and other manufacturing faculty members are successful, in part, because of their experience in the manufacturing field.

“They all started in the industry before giving back to the community through ECC,” he said. “They are a great group of very knowledgeable experts in their field and it is exciting to watch them craft their trade.”

KMG utilized Missouri One Start program customized training assistance which has helped to develop its workforce.

ECC has taken a unique approach to this training partnership by developing a mentor/instruction method. Under this method, Elliott worked with Klauber employees on the production line twice a week and gave an assessment of the operator’s skills.

Learn more about the Precision Machining program at, or visit to learn about industry training offered by ECC.


ECC to Hold Registration Event Saturday

December 8, 2020 | Campus News

East Central College will be open Saturday, Dec. 12, to give new and prospective students a chance to enroll for the Spring 2021 semester.

The College will be open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. for students to apply, register for classes and learn about financial opportunities, such as scholarships and grants.

Those registering for classes should bring a photo ID.  It is recommended for students new to ECC to bring copies of transcripts from other schools they have attended, if transcripts are available.

New students are encouraged to apply prior to Saturday to streamline the registration process. However, it required to apply before the event.

Apply online for free at Class listings are available at the ECC homepage,, under the “Class Schedule” tab.

The college is offering in-person, online and remote option for the Spring 2021. Classes begin Jan. 19.

New students can enroll up to the date that classes begin, but they are encouraged to enroll early to ensure they get the classes they want and how they want them delivered.

For more information, people may call the ECC admissions office at 636-584-6588.

Nursing Students Recognized at Pinning Ceremony

December 8, 2020 | Campus News

East Central College nursing students were recognized Dec. 3 during a pinning ceremony for LPN-RN Bridge Graduates.

Four nursing students were recognized for outstanding clinical and classroom work: Brittany Loll, Lacey Sauer, Kristina Downs and Justin Ard.

The ECC Nursing Program typically holds a formal ceremony for its pinning ceremony, inviting family, friends, faculty and administration. This year there was a smaller event with ECC President Dr. Jon Bauer, Vice President of Academic Affairs Robyn Walter and ECC Rolla Director Christina Ayres, as well as nursing program coordinators and faculty members.

The pinning ceremony recognizes Licensed Practical Nurses who continue their education to become Registered Nurses.

ECC Outstanding Student Nurse

Brittany Loll received the ECC Outstanding Student Nurse award. Loll is an excellent student in the classroom and clinical arena.

To be considered for the Outstanding Nursing Student award, ECC has had to make a difference in the life of the student.

For most of the award recipients, had ECC not been in their community, they most likely would not have realized the dream of becoming a registered nurse.


Pictured, from left, are Julie Chirban, Bridge Instructor, Judy Bieker, Nursing Program Coordinator, Union; Brittany Loll, ECC Outstanding Student Nurse; Laura McDonald, Nursing Program Coordinator, Rolla; and Barb McNamara, Bridge Instructor.

Spirit of Clinical Excellence

The awards for Spirit of Clinical Excellence in Nursing is presented to graduating nurses who demonstrate characteristics of caring and compassion, the spirit of inquiry, exceptional critical thinking and decision making and have superior organizational skills and the ability to effectively prioritize.

There were three awards presented to students who work with ECC’s clinical partners.

Lacey Sauer — Phelps Health Spirit of Clinical Excellence in Nursing.

Pictured, from left, are Julie Chirban, Bridge Instructor, Judy Bieker Nursing Program Coordinator, Union; Lacey Sauer, Phelps Health Spirit of Clinical Excellence in Nursing; Laura McDonald, Nursing Program Coordinator, Roll; Barb McNamara, Bridge Instructor


Kristina Downs — Missouri Baptist Sullivan Hospital Spirit of Clinical Excellence in Nursing.


From left are Julie Chirban, Bridge Instructor, Judy Bieker Nursing Program Coordinator, Union; Kristina Downs, Missouri Baptist Sullivan Hospital Spirit of Clinical Excellence in Nursing; Laura McDonald, Nursing Program Coordinator, Rolla; Barb McNamara, Bridge Instructor


Justin Ard — Mercy Washington Spirit of Clinical Excellence in Nursing.

Julie Chirban, Bridge Instructor, Judy Bieker Nursing Program Coordinator, Union; Justin Ard, Mercy Washington Spirit of Clinical Excellence in Nursing; Laura McDonald, Nursing Program Coordinator, Rolla; Barb McNamara, Bridge Instructor

Consortium Launches Website for Job Seekers

December 7, 2020 | Campus News

Missouri employers seeking job-ready talent have a new free resource at their fingertips.

The Missouri Community Colleges Jobs Consortium website, powered by College Central Network, Inc. (CCN), now hosts free job posting for employers statewide.

Through the new website,, it is easy for employers of any size to register once and then post an unlimited number of jobs to Missouri’s community college students and alumni.

The jobs posted on the site can reach tens of thousands of job seekers from East Central College, Jefferson College, Mineral Area College, Moberly Area Community College, Ozarks Technical Community College, St. Charles Community College, State Fair Community College, and Three Rivers College.

“Although we are separate and independent local colleges, we have a common goal of working together to meet both state and local employment needs,” stated Steffani McCrary, career services coordinator at East Central College.

The resource simplifies hiring, even with temporarily closed or restricted campuses, and students learning from home.

“Through our Consortium, our combined undergraduate base is far-reaching,” McCrary added. “It offers our state’s employers the great diversity of students we have in Missouri — highly skilled, motivated, and ready to enter our workforce.”

CCN’s Career Services Central is the exclusive online career office management platform for career centers at all schools participating in the Consortium.

The Missouri Community Colleges Jobs Consortium website allows employers to easily recruit the state’s home-grown entry-level talent by removing as many barriers as possible, simplifying the hiring process.

CCN was founded in 1997 to connect employers with qualified emerging talent candidates. More than two million employers have already registered to utilize the Network to post jobs and recruit students and alumni for entry-level jobs. is free for alumni or students enrolled in college nationwide.

Dr. Bauer: “Yes” to Snow Days

December 4, 2020 | Campus News

East Central College President Dr. Jon Bauer addressed faculty, students, and staff Friday to state there still will be snow days at the college, even though working and learning remotely has become easier.

The following is Dr. Bauer’s message and a reminder to sign up for ECC’s alert notification system:

Will we have snow days? Yes!

As winter weather arrives,  we need to prepare for those days when snow and ice make getting out dangerous. Some institutions have elected to extend their remote learning to what would otherwise be a snow day. I understand those decisions and know we have learned how to work and learn remotely over the past several months.

While I’m confident we could do that effectively if needed on snowy days this winter, we have also learned over many, many years that we can make up the time lost to snow.  We also know that a snow day for those with kids at home can mean another level of stress regarding child care. That problem is alleviated when we have a snow day. Finally, we know that many activities cannot simply be flipped over to Zoom or online. On days when it is unsafe to be on the roads, those classes, labs, and other activities are postponed in any event.

Work, flexibility, adaptability, and resilience are important values to model. I also understand the importance of balance, the need to unplug and un-Zoom, and the benefit provided by an unexpected day off.

So yes, we will have snow days.

As a reminder, sign up for ECC Alert to get notices regarding inclement weather. We will also use social media and St. Louis television to get the word out.

As in years past, there may be days when we utilize a late start instead of a full cancellation. Moreover, while we try to keep decisions consistent between Union and Rolla, there are occasions when the weather at the two locations is quite different. We will specific “all locations” or one, depending on circumstances.

Click here to sign up for ECC’s Alert system, Omnilert, or to check your status.

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society logo

Union PTK Celebrates 50 Years, Inducts 29 Members

December 3, 2020 | Campus News

There were 29 East Central College students inducted into the Chi Delta Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) this Fall.

The annual Fall Induction Ceremony was Nov. 1 for the PTK, the international honor society for two-year colleges.

This year marks 50 years for the Chi Delta chapter, which was chartered in November 1970, according to PTK Advisor Kevin Dixon

He added that the event was held virtually and featured recorded messages from Dr. Lynn Tincher-Ladner, president and CEO of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society; and video greetings from Jo and Steve Fritts, PTK’s Missouri Regional Coordinators at Ozarks Technical Community College, Springfield.

“Dr. Jon Bauer (ECC president) greeted the inductees on behalf of the college and described his involvement with Phi Theta Kappa when he was a student member at Jefferson College,” Dixon said.

The videos were followed by Dixon’s telling of the history of the chapter, and then he and the officers continued with the induction ceremony.

As a member of PTK, students will pursue the society’s hallmarks of Scholarship, Leadership, Service and Fellowship.

The students must have at least a 3.4 GPA and be a full-time student for one semester in order to be invited into PTK. After being inducted, students must maintain a 3.2 GPA. Membership is open to students pursuing a degree or certificate, no matter the major.

Following are the new Chi Delta Chapter PTK inductees:

  • Gabrielle Baker, Robertsville
  • Mason Blum, Sullivan
  • Caleb Brinker, Washington
  • Amanda Dalton, St.Clair
  • Miranda Douglas, Washington
  • Hayley Durbin, Labadie
  • Kaili Edler, High Ridge
  • Tiffany Gildehaus, Pacific
  • Shayla Goddard, Sullivan
  • Donna Hall, Warrenton
  • Joseph Havelka, Owensville
  • Jenna Jasper, Leslie
  • Eric Jones, Washington
  • Danielle Kimminau, Washington
  • Destiny Lafferty, Washington
  • Paxton Ludwig, Labadie
  • Sawyer Ludwig, Labadie
  • Macey Madigan, St. Clair
  • Nicholas Maxey, Pacific.
  • Jerika McClure, Rolla
  • Abigail Movila Union
  • Hunter Moyer, St. Clair
  • Lauren Pieske, Union
  • Sierra Pitman, Sullivan
  • Emily Sappington, Leslie
  • Kyleah Stahlman, Union
  • Alexandra Velasco, Marthasville
  • Tara White, Bourbon
  • Emily Zweifel, Union.

Students Inducted into Phi Theta Kappa, Rolla Chapter

December 2, 2020 | Campus News ECC Rolla

There were 16 students from East Central College in Rolla who were inducted into the Beta Omicron Phi chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Honor Society on Saturday, Nov. 14.

PTK is an international honor society for two-year colleges. To be eligible for induction, students must maintain a grade point average of at least 3.4 for one semester and maintain a 3.2 GPA after their induction. Students can be pursuing any major, degree or certificate.

“I’ve seen how this organization impacts students and helps them gain confidence in their schoolwork and in the community” explains PTK Rolla advisor, Dr. Beth Winters-Rozema.

“This organization is a great way to develop their leadership skills” she adds.

This year’s Fall inductees are Jozlyn Belcher, Robert Berkelman, Isabel Bramel, Jennifer Breedlove, Brendan Coyne, Lauren Ely, Jaime Gregory-Snyder, Alex Kitchens, Lauren Moersch, Corene Muecke, Megan Myslinski, Jace Nilges, Kya Nilges, James Parrish, Gaven Schmidt and Claire Smith.

This year’s ceremony was held via Zoom and featured keynote speaker Brandy Howdeshell, volunteer coordinator for The Rolla Mission in downtown Rolla. She urged students to do what they can to make the world a better place.

Howdeshell also told her story about being in trouble and how the community came together to support her. The Rolla Mission provides daily hot meals, free laundry and showering facilities for the disadvantaged.

“We are very proud of our newest PTK members,” said ECC President Dr. Jon Bauer.

“Being a member of PTK opens many doors to success for students and I always look forward to seeing what triumphs they achieve throughout their time here at ECC.”

Instructor Receives Emerson Excellence Award

December 1, 2020 | Campus News

For East Central College biology instructor Dr. Beth Winters-Rozema, it is the “light bulb” moments that brings her the greatest joy as a teacher.

“I really like watching the light bulb come on in students,” she said. “Usually, I can tell when it happens — I hear it and I see it when they understand, and that’s really nice.”

Winters-Rozema is an instructor at ECC in Rolla. Her love and talent for teaching is obvious to her students, but it has been noticed outside the classroom, too.

She recently was recognized with the Emerson Excellence in Teaching award. Sponsored by Emerson, the award program recognizes more than 100 educators annually in the St. Louis area who are examples of excellence in their field.

Outside the classroom, Winters-Rozema serves as the faculty advisor to the Beta Omicron chapter of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Honor Society in Rolla.

During her time as the PTK advisor, the Rolla and Union honor society chapters have received national recognition for their recruitment efforts.

In addition, Winters-Rozema has seen members of the Beta Omicron Phi chapter win statewide academic recognition over the years.

According to colleagues, she is dedicated to assuring her students do their best inside and outside of the school setting, and she is particularly committed to making sure her students know how to communicate in professional settings.

Winters-Rozema is also dedicated to helping fellow faculty members perfect their craft. She is one of the first to volunteer when a call goes out to participate in a survey or pilot a project to improve instruction.

Overall, she is a well-respected instructor who is determined to see her students succeed.

The Excellence in Teaching ranges from kindergarten teachers to college professors who are considered great examples of excellence in their field.

Recipients are selected by administrators of the school district or educational institutions.